[Download] Mr. Oizo & Gaspard Augé (of Justice) - "Tricycle Express"

Gaspard Auge of Justice joins Mr. Oizo to work on the score for his short film Rubber that is about about a psychotic tire that telepathically kills everything in its path (seriously.) The movie is directed by Quentin Dupieux aka Mr. Oizo and was recently debuted at this years Cannes Film Festival. Check out one of the tracks from the film's score titled "Tricycle Express" below. This song feels like it should be on the next Tron film along with Daft Punk.

[Download] Mr. Oizo & Gaspard Augé (of Justice) - "Tricycle Express"

[Bonus Download] N.A.S.A. - Strange Enough (Mr. Oizo Remix feat. Ol' Dirty Bastard, Karen O & Fatlip) (Bonus Track)


[Download] Andreya Triana - Lost Where I Belong (Flying Lotus Remix)


[Listen] N.A.S.A. Drops New Remix LP With Two New Tracks