[Download] Camu Tao - "Be A Big Girl"

Sound of the City has released another exclusive cut from the late great Camu Tao's album King of Hearts titled "Be A Big Girl" which borrows some of Elvis Costello's "Big Boys." I've gotten the chance to listen this album for 2 or so weeks and its very bittersweet. Don't get me wrong, it is a fuckin fantastic album! Its just sad that an awesome artist like Mu never got to finish the album nor make anymore records after losing his battle with cancer back in 08.

Sound of the City also has a great interview with Def Jux label head and good friend of Camu, El-P about the upcoming record. Check that out here and preorder your copy of King of Hearts here.

Camu Tao - "Be A Big Girl" by Some Kind of Awesome


[Download] Mindless Self Indulgence - "Written in Cold Blood"


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