[Download] Blueprint - Who EP x "Dream Big" (Video)

Printmatic's long awaited Who EP has finally hit the web today and oh my is it beautiful. It’s 25-minute EP , and it will only be sold on Atmosphere’s To All My Friends Tour and at printmatic.net. There are 3 versions of the album, the physical available at printmatic.net, the deluxe version which includes the instrumentals, .pdf and music video for "Dream Big" (featured above) and the free version which you can grab here.

This is the 3rd of Blueprints Vs. series, the previous efforts pitted Blueprint's group Greenhouse Effect against  Radiohead and Print vs. The Funkadelic. If you are digging this, definitely check those releases out.

<a href="http://printmatic.bandcamp.com/album/blueprint-who-ep-deluxe-version">Blueprint Who? by BLUEPRINT</a>


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