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[News] Gorillaz Announce Plans for a Collaborative Song for Converse
At the end of the month, Gorillaz will be releasing a brand new track for Converse, and, while we don't have any audio of the track, the band's virtual bassist and drummer Murdoc recorded a six minute statement about the song. The statement sees Murdoc discussing how amazing the track will be, and how it "is going to knock everything else Gorillaz have done out of the park.”
Along with the announcement of the track is the included artwork, which shows that there will be two mystery guests on the track. With very little hints as to who the guest artists will be, we can only speculate. What do y'all think?
[News] Gorillaz Team Up With Converse, Recording New Track For 2012 Release
I remember being a young lad and getting hold of the first Gorrilaz album and wanting to watch the music video on the crappy old desktop computer my family had at the time. Time flies huh, that was nearly 10 years ago and I still remember it so, so vividly. That PC might have been thrown in the trash but the love for Gorillaz is as strong as ever, even if it's hard to keep up with all of Damon Albarn's projects for many Gorillaz will remain number 1! So, with that in mind Gorillaz have teamed up with Converse to firstly design some shoes and first up is the legendary Chuck Taylors designed by Gorillaz’ creator Jamie Hewlett (peep them at the top). The camo effect was inspired by the bands debut.
Not just that though as you may remember earlier in the year we witnesses a gruesome video that featured one hell of a zombie party involving Andrew WK, Soulja Boy and Matt& Kim for a track titled "I'm a Goner". That weird combination of artists came together via Converse and their project, 'Three Artists: One Song.' It aims to bring three diverse artists together to release a track together. Gorillaz will be taking part in the project and as we know, they're no strangers to collaborations. Who haven't they worked with. No word on who else will feature on the track as of yet but rest assured as soon as more details come we got your backs.