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[SONG OF THE DAY] Galantis - "Emoji"

photo credit: Jimmy Fontaine

Last week Swedish sweethearts Galantis released a shimmery new single, “Emoji” complete with an adorable music video that brings the “💗”emoji to life. At least I’m pretty sure that’s the correct emoji featured here as I just learned that 💗 is the “growing heart” emoji and 💓 is the “beating heart” emoji. Who gets tasked with naming emojis anyway? I personally would have gone with my far superior go-to 💖but that’s just me.

If you happen to be in San Francisco next Friday you can catch the dazzling duo at the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium, unless you’d prefer to catch them for NYE related festivities in Chicago.


Fri Nov 16 - San Francisco, CA - Bill Graham Civic Auditorium [TICKETS]

Sun Dec 30 – Chicago, IL – Aragon Ballroom [TICKETS]

Mon Dec 31 – Chicago, IL – Aragon Ballroom [TICKETS]

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SKOA Radio kibbe SKOA Radio kibbe

#skoaradio 11/07/2015 liner notes

Really feeling this week's mixtape you guys.

Can't stop. Won't stop. Can't stop working. But it's chill though, the atmosphere I've been launched into has me surrounded by people who are music junkies just like me! In fact, I found Michl courtesy of one of my dope new friends at the office I'm in right now. (Thanks dude!) Sprout and I also hit up Honne on Tuesday this week where we hung out in the dungeon of a basement at Mercury Lounge and chatted with with James and Andy before they got the entire place pregnant. It's good to be busy. Then we had Flagship at Rough Trade on Friday night. Those guys were super great too. Can't wait to interview them and officially usher them into the skoa fam. But yeah, there's a lot going on but the majority of it is awesome. I guess you could say I'm #stressedbutalsoblessed. I hope you enjoyed this week's show. I'd love to hear from you if I just introduced you to your new favorite song (I know I'm kind of obsessing over SOULS right now).

Until next week!




And here's the headlines I rushed through that you can read more about (and you should so you're smarter than everyone else):

As always, feel free to snag the Spotify playlist below so you can listen to the sweet jams I picked out for you on the go!

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#SKOARADIO 07/18/2015

me going through all the new music this week

Oof. Really stoked for this show and because I submitted it late it was a little borked airing. You didn't even get to hear the last two segments. :( All good though! There's always next week (not to mention the podcast that will be attached to this show shortly). But yeah, trying to get back to digging out those little diamonds in the rough that I enjoy supporting. Plus HELLO NEW KENNA!! *praise hands emoji* A lot to be excited about. Expect more posts in between this show and the next with more info on the bands we're featuring.

As always feel free to let me know what you thought of this week's show either by dropping a comment here or hitting me up on Twitter.

Until next week!





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