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[Listen] Mike Shinoda (of Linkin Park) & Joe Trapanese - Razors.Out Feat. Chino Moreno (of Deftones/†††)

Everyone knows how anti-Linkin Park presently due to being a hardcore fan in my teens and just getting aimlessly tired of the lackluster releases they put out in the last few years. So you ask why am I doing yet another post regarding the band? Well, I ran across an email this morning for the upcoming soundtrack for the film The Raid: Redemption not knowing it was Linkin Park related as the first thing that drew me to it was featuring Chino Moreno of Deftones in the subject line. Opening the email, I see that that the track titled "Razors.Out" and score for the film were produced by Linkin Park’s Mike Shinoda and musician Joe Trapanese and I thought "Eh, what the hell. I'll give it try."

Glad I decided to give it a try because the track is pretty dope. It reminds me of production off Linkin Park instrumentals like "Cure for the Itch" and "Session" but mainly their remix album Reanimation (which is still my favorite release from the band) and adds those signature vocals from ††† (Crosses)/Deftones/Team Sleep frontman Chino Moreno that we all know and love and also gives a late 90's nu-metal fan's wet dream in one listen as well as another song with Chino singing about Razors. Mostly, though, as RCRD LBL states, it makes us wistful for the next Deftones album. Check it out below and grab the score here which also features a track with the Get Busy Committee.

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[Watch] Lupe Fiasco - "Resurrection (feat. Kenna)"

Hard to believe that the earthquake in Haiti was almost 2 months ago already, or that we've had more earthquakes elsewhere since then. The efforts going into rebuilding the areas has been great so far, but we've still got quite a ways to go. Fortunately for us, this means that artists are going to continue to release tracks to help raise funds, like this one from Lupe Fiasco featuring Kenna. 

Make sure you head over to Music For Relief and download the rest of the tracks available and DONATE!

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