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[Listen] VOWWS - "Heartbreaker"
I don't want to hear about how your Tuesday feels like a Monday WE HAVE NEW MUSIC FROM VOWWS SO THAT'S JUST NOT POSSIBLE.
I feel like the last time I saw my little darklings at the second to last show at AVIV (RIP RIP RIP) that they previewed this new song, "Heartbreaker". Either way, uh... shit yes this is so good.
It's been more than a minute since the darkest duo released their debut album, The Great Sun, but you can tell from, "Heartbreaker" that while they've really dug their heels into this sound that they've carved out for themselves that from a lyrical standpoint they're continuing to trek out into deeper waters.
As Rizz explained to Blackbook (or unveiled in a press release that my ass has yet to receive),
"[Heartbreaker is] about cults of personality and the manipulation and control that goes along with them. Devoting yourself completely to someone else’s vision of the world can give a feeling of safety and protection; but it’s false, poisonous and ruins you from the inside. The world is now dominated by extremes that are pulling us further apart, unmooring us from anything real – we’ve created our own disease and are killing off the cure. We wanted to capture that in a song.”
Couldn't agree with you more, girl. KEEP THOSE TRUTHS COMING. We need y'all.
MORE WONDERFUL NEWS: these kids are heading out on tour in February in support of White Lies! I am especially excited that they will be playing Music Hall of Williamsburg on February 2nd because MHoW is stones throw away from the last venue they played at in NYC (Cameo Gallery) before they packed up and shipped off to LA and actually started getting the attention they so rightfully deserve!
We've come a long way, babykids <3
Which VOWWS show will YOU be at? It's okay if you say all of them. I'll just be jealous forever.
[Watch] Interpol - Live At The Music Hall of Williamsburg 9/10/2010
These videos can't get much more NYC. You've got Interpol performing "Success", "Barricade" and "Stella Was A Diver And She Was Always Down" live from their September 10th, 2010 show at the Music Hall of Williamsburg in Brooklyn, NY. It gets better: SNL's Fred Armisen has graciously provided introduction clips for every video. Kinda random, but really funny nonetheless.
Who's going to see Interpol on this tour?