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[Watch] Nodaway - "Chariot (Official Video)"

Nashville you're on a rolllllllllllll y'all! Why weren't the local bands in Nashville all this good when I lived there? I mean damn I would've at least considered stickin' around for at LEAST another... week... maybe.... before inevitably packing my bags and hightailing it to New York. 

After being thoroughly delighted by fellow Belmont alum Nodaway's debut single "Hairspray" and subsequent EP 500 Days of Whatever ***which is still my favorite album name of 2015*** , the band is back with a new single and an even snazzier video than last time. I had already been on board with their punchy poptasticness, but this new track, "Chariot" honestly caught me off guard in terms of how quickly they've managed to develop in such a short period of time. Although I've never had children, I liken it to sending your kid off to summer camp and he/she returning a foot taller. It's clear that they've chosen a artistic direction, both musically and visually, and it more than suits them. 

We know how good I am with artsy videos. I have no idea what all of the elements are supposed to mean in this video but man is it entertaining to watch. WARNING: when the song ends they show some fun footage of the folks involved goofing off and someone gets quite the scrape. If you're squeamish, it's slightly NSFL. 

Either way, enjoy new Nodaway! 

Also a fun thing I learned while trying to make sure I was up to speed on all things Nodaway. Did not know you could actually purchase Nodaway branded hairspray that smells like watermelon and has a QR code so you can download their EP for free. THIS IS VERY CLEVER AND I ENJOY THIS GREATLY. Here is what said b(r)anded hairspray looks like: 

Attraction enhancers, EH? Guess I'll need to acquire a can of this to see if I can attract some attention while I'm shopping for records at Rough Trade on a Friday night. Kiiiiiiind of kidding? Not about shopping for records on Friday night (unless there's a show).

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#skoaradio 11/07/2015 liner notes

Really feeling this week's mixtape you guys.

Can't stop. Won't stop. Can't stop working. But it's chill though, the atmosphere I've been launched into has me surrounded by people who are music junkies just like me! In fact, I found Michl courtesy of one of my dope new friends at the office I'm in right now. (Thanks dude!) Sprout and I also hit up Honne on Tuesday this week where we hung out in the dungeon of a basement at Mercury Lounge and chatted with with James and Andy before they got the entire place pregnant. It's good to be busy. Then we had Flagship at Rough Trade on Friday night. Those guys were super great too. Can't wait to interview them and officially usher them into the skoa fam. But yeah, there's a lot going on but the majority of it is awesome. I guess you could say I'm #stressedbutalsoblessed. I hope you enjoyed this week's show. I'd love to hear from you if I just introduced you to your new favorite song (I know I'm kind of obsessing over SOULS right now).

Until next week!




And here's the headlines I rushed through that you can read more about (and you should so you're smarter than everyone else):

As always, feel free to snag the Spotify playlist below so you can listen to the sweet jams I picked out for you on the go!

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SKOA Radio kibbe SKOA Radio kibbe

#skoaradio 08/22/2015

Really feeling this weeks show, you guys.

Things have been a whirlwind at SKOA HQ so show notes have been a little neglected the past couple of weeks. DON'T WORRY I plan on backdating some posts so y'all have the hookup though! Super excited about the new jams from Peaches, CHVRCHES, and Jacuzzi Boys from this week's show so feel free to drop me a line to let me know what you thought of those!

Until next week, fam!



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Video, Reviews kibbe Video, Reviews kibbe

[Watch] Nodaway - "Hairspray" (Official Video)

Photo: Zach Gray via 

It's Friday which means it's time to put on some sparkly indie-pop jams and get to makin' out, fam!!! To help get the makeout party started, Nashville's Nodaway have unveiled their funtastic video for their latest single, "Hairspray", which comes from their recently released and oh so cleverly titled EP, 500 Days of Whatever. Nodaway is the brainchild of fellow Belmont University alumni Chris Jobe, who is blessed with the bragging rights for their soothing croonerific vocals, lyrics, and catchy electro-laced indie pop rhythms.

If you're into try before you buy, you can have a listen to their EP over on Spotify, but really just go grab it off Noise Trade because it's great and that's the right thing to do. 

Happy future Friday makeouts! 

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