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[Listen] Vol. 3 of Radiohead's King Of Limbs Remix Series By Lone, Pearson Sound & Four Tet

"GIMME MOAR RADIOHEAD PLEASE!" You got it giant orge looking dude.

Take a listen to Radiohead's 3rd installment of their King of Limbs remix series in the widget above which features remixes from Lone, Pearson Sound & everyone's favorite Four Tet. The band recently announced the fourth installment of the series earlier this week and will feature 3 new remixes by Houseghost taking on "Give up the Ghost", Illum Sphere's remix of "Codex" and Shed's take on "Little by Little."

Thom Yorke collaborators Modselektor also announced on their Twitter Page that they just finished their take on "Morning Mr. Magpie" which we hope to hear in the upcoming weeks. 

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Reviews Reviews

[Listen] M.I.A. - "It Takes A Muscle" (Pearson Sound Refix)

David Kennedy aka Ramadanman aka Pearson Sound flipped the script on M.I.A.'s latest single "It Takes A Muscle". The remix is available digitally in the UK bundled with the single but don't worry if you can't get your hands on the remix, you can give it a listen below. In other M.I.A. news, Maya has created yet another website however this one is to countdown to the release of her New Year Eve mixtape Vicky Leekx. Check out the creative website here.

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