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#skoaradio 11/14/2015 liner notes

"Kibbe, aren't you posting these liner notes kind of late?"

I'm late to getting this up. Sorry. Clearly from the amount of posts I've done so far today I'm trying tog get caught up. It's a nice problem to have with 3 fire shows in a week being the root of not being able to get #content out on time.

Anyway, this is going to be the last time I put together a separate playlist for the show. That's right, from now on you'll have to scramble to pull the songs from a playlist that I'm going to be changing on the regular. This is mutually beneficial because it will force me to get these out sooner rather than later so you can snatch up the goodies I share with you.

Hope you're having a great weekend fam!



Read these things and get smarter okay?

Feel free to grab this playlist, obvi.

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SKOA Radio kibbe SKOA Radio kibbe

#skoaradio 10/31/2015 liner notes

When a new song comes out of nowhere and suddenly becomes your favorite.

Happy Halloween broadband buds!
Gotta say, the jams in this week's #skoaradio are so good it's SCARY! hahahaha oh boy am I bad at #relevantcontent sometimes but WE'RE HERE TO TALK MUSIC ANYWAYS SO WHATEVER. I dug up some spooktacular new tunes this week from Sinden, The 1975, Jamie Woon, MALAA, and more so it's a pretty damn good mixtape if I do say so myself. Lots of new music out this week so I hope you weren't planning on buying your family any expensive Christmas gifts because you're about to exceed your budget on music for the zillionth time.

Don't forget you can grab the Spotify playlist at the bottom of this post so you can treasure the order I painstakingly put these songs in. Or you can hit shuffle. Whatever.

Until next week!



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CMJ, Night Out kibbe CMJ, Night Out kibbe

[Night Out] OMG CMJ Day Three: Hockey Dad, Vomitface, Dirty Dishes, Mothers, Dirty Ghosts, Kevin Garrett, Mass Gothic, Skaters

Dirty Ghosts! Yay for SKOA fam!

I did not train as well for this year's CMJ as I have in years past. I refuse to say I'm getting too old for CMJ. I just know better than to not have perfect sleeping habits weeks prior, etc. I'm suffering in a big way from it. I decided to more than stick to my schedule of hitting up NYC Taper's day party at Cake Shop. Except for the part at the beginning of the day where, you know, I accidentally rushed to Pianos assuming that's where it was (the door guy welcomed me back the same way he did on Wednesday btw). So instead of seeing Womps I caught 15ish minutes of Hockey Dad. They were great, but not what I had been anticipating. Womp wompppp

Hockey Dad @ Pianos

By the time I got to Cake Shop my new local darlings Vomitface had taken the stage. Unbeknownst to them at the time, the three-piece broke my brain by playfully announcing that they were Viet Kong when they started, which set off a stint of paranoia for at least 3 more bands that I had mixed up venues etc again. I can't tell you how many times I frantically kept checking my schedule until my 2nd coffee kicked in.  Anyway, I enjoyed that for a their playfulness that that they're actually a really solid band. They reminded me that I've been meaning to find more local bands to rally for (since VOWWS left a gaping hole in my heart upon moving to LA) so we gradually made arrangements to hang out later in the day.


Dirty Dishes

Dirty Dishes and Mothers both delivered solid sets. The fatigue from all of the running around with little sleep was starting to set in and all of the red lighting for every single set wasn't helping me stay energized even with all of the caffeine flowing through my bloodstream. I knew I had another long night ahead of me so I decided to take a set or two off to save my energy for Dirty Ghosts, who I realized earlier in the day I hadn't seen since their appearance at our SXSW show with the Axis of Audio in 2011. I felt proud watching people dance along to tunes from their new record, Let It Pretend, which dropped last week.

Gotta show love for some folks from the south. <3 Mothers <3

After briefly running into my favorite Canadians (Weaves) and giving away the free beer that NYC Taper scored for me, I accepted Vomitface's kind offer to tag along with them to Brooklyn to go check out their friends in Mass Gothic play at Knitting Factory for the Sub Pop showcase. On the way there I invented a new barter system that I want to try on all of the bands I want to befriend: I buy you all drinks and in exchange I get merch. That's fairly mutual beneficial, no? I suppose I should just be generous and pay for both, but for the times a lady needs to be a blogger on a budget this will [hopefully] work out well in the future. At any rate, I was sad to cut my time short with them because I liked both their company and the sweet sounds of Mass Gothic, but I told myself I wasn't going to miss my chance of seeing Kevin Garrett at Rockwood Music Hall (stage 2) so I hauled it over there ASAP.

Mass Gothic @ The Knitting Factory

I was not prepared for the crowd for Kevin Garrett at all. Plenty of shows this CMJ have been full, but when you're lugging around a backpack with a laptop, camera, etc. you become really aware of how much space you're taking up to slip through a crowd. Everyone was irritated that I dared to arrive late to document what I assume will be a rare setting fairly soon, that being Garrett at any venue that small ever again. I mean, have you heard his EP, Mellow Drama? Anyway, "the hunger" suddenly struck me like a semi truck so I became the room's nemesis once again lugging all of my gear out to go grab food before Skaters.

Kevin Garrett making a packed Rockwood Music Hall Stage 2 weak in the knees

Did not realize how spoiled I was for day one of CMJ when it came to how chill the energy was at The Living Room for the Music Is Great Showcase because the crowd for Skaters was nutttyyyyy. It was dark and no one was interested in sitting still, yours truly included. At first I attempted to really go for some killer snaps but by that point in the night I just wanted to sit back and enjoy the chaos. Felt good to know that I was supporting multiple NYC bands in a night, especially because someone you know has heard their new song already that comes out next week and LOVESSS ITTT.

Skaters tearing up The Living Room

Didn't do too badly in terms of sleep deprivation. I was only out until a whopping 2:30am. Don't worry, I made sure to put the Slum Sociable album on repeat and sing along to it walking home in Harlem so the crackheads didn't bother me. Since I'm writing this you know it worked. :)

You can check out the rest of my photos from CMJ Day Three in the gallery below. You can also listen to samplings of all of the artists I heard from this post in this nifty little Spotify playlist.

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CMJ, Night Out kibbe CMJ, Night Out kibbe

[NIGHT OUT] OMG CMJ 2015: Kibbe's Picks For This Week

It's that time of year again! You know, the one where I bounce back and forth between lower Manhattan and Brooklyn to see how many new bands I can fall in love with. I HAVE SO MANY NEW BAND CRUSHES YOU GUYS AND I HAVEN'T EVEN STEPPED FOOT INSIDE A VENUE YET!! *PRAISE HANDS EMOJI*

If you're out and about in NYC for CMJ, you can catch me attempting to attend all of the following events. If you can't be in NYC but want to follow along, you can add me over on Snapchat: heylookitskibbe (original amirite?).

If you see my smiling/exhausted face grab me and say hi!





**my brother is going to be in town Friday & Saturday so unless he wants to come out to stuff I'll only be out after dark :/ **


Please enjoy a sampling of the bands I'm going to go check out via the playlist below!

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[Watch] SKATERS - "Miss Teen Massachusetts" (Official Video)

New York's SKATERS offer up another taste of what's to come from their debut album MANHATTAN with "Miss Teen Massachusetts", showing that their love doesn't only lie in NYC. Declaring his love for a lady who just doesn't want to change her mind. Gotta feel for the guy. The track is raw, and to me, reminds me of another New York band, The Strokes with it's distorted vocals and distant drums. That's just me though. The video sees the band walking around a mental institute helping out some residents. Or at least it appears that way before it goes all Shutter Island on us. SPOILER ALERT! In case you missed it on the back end of last year, check out the bands lead single "Deadbolt" here.

SKATERS’s MANHATTAN is due out February 24th in the UK/25th in North America.

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[Listen] SKATERS - "Deadbolt"

SKATERS humble from New York City and have been busy working away all summer in the UK and the US alike. If you were at Reading or Leeds Festival this summer I hope you caught these guys, cause they know how to party. Their new track "Deadbolt" is a fuzzy mess of energetic freedom. Kind of reminds me of Wavves a little and this is by no means a bad thing at all. It may be a little while until we get to enjoy the band's aptly named debut album, Manhattan, which is due on out next year on the 24th of February. If you like what you hear then high five yourself. Then do it again as they'll be on the road in the coming months playing shows on both sides of the Atlantic. Firstly with Palma Violets in the US before coming to the UK to play shows with Deep Vally. Make the jump to check the dates. 

Before that though, cast your mind to a dingy karaoke club where you may sing classic hits such as R Kelly's "Ignition" and you may be filled with images of regret. SKATERS manage to capture an essence of those clubs and karaoke with their lyrics video for "Deadbolt". It's nice to see a pretty nice Lyrics video as I'm not usually a fan. 

SKATERS humble from New York City and have been busy working away all summer in the UK and the US alike. If you were at Reading or Leeds Festival this summer I hope you caught these guys, cause they know how to party. Their new track "Deadbolt" is a fuzzy mess of energetic freedom. Kind of reminds me of Wavves a little and this is by no means a bad thing at all. It may be a little while until we get to enjoy the band's aptly named debut album, Manhattan, which is due on out next year on the 24th of February. If you like what you hear then high five yourself. Then do it again as they'll be on the road in the coming months playing shows on both sides of the Atlantic. Firstly with Palma Violets in the US before coming to the UK to play shows with Deep Vally. Make the jump to check the dates. 

Before that though, cast your mind to a dingy karaoke club where you may sing classic hits such as R Kelly's "Ignition" and you may be filled with images of regret. SKATERS manage to capture an essence of those clubs and karaoke with their lyrics video for "Deadbolt". It's nice to see a pretty nice Lyrics video as I'm not usually a fan. 

On Tour With Palma Violets:

10/8      Philadelphia, Boot & Saddle

10/9      New York, Webster Hall

10/14    Seattle, Neumos

10/15    Vancouver, Biltmore Caberet

10/16    Portland, Crystal Ballroom

10/18    Berkley, UC Berkley/ ASUC Superb 10 Esheleman Hall #4500

10/19    Los Angeles, El Rey Theater


UK Tour with Deap Vally:

11/1       Brighton, Concorde2

11/2       Bristol, Trinity Centre

11/4       Nottingham, Rock City Basement

11/5       Manchester, Club Academy

11/7       Birmingham, Birmingham Academy 2

11/8       Leeds, The Wardrobe

11/10     Newcastle, The Warehouse

11/11     Edinburgh, Liquid Room

11/12     Glasgow, Oran Mor

11/14     London, Electric Ballroom

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