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[Listen] Grinderman - "Mickey Mouse and the Goodbye Man" (Joshua Homme Remix)

First UNKLE, Cats Eyes and The National take a crack at remixing tracks from Nick Cave's latest Grinderman album, Grinderman II. Now Them Crooked Vultures/Queens of The Stone Age frontman Josh Homme takes an eerie approach to the album's opening track "Mickey Mouse and the Goodbye Man."

According to SPIN, Homme and Grinderman's collaboration stems from a chance meeting in a Los Angeles diner last year, after a Grinderman gig. Nick Launay, Grinderman's producer, helped facilitate the remix, and, according to spokesperson, Cave and Grinderman are "very happy" with Homme's take. 

The remix feels like a creepy campfire tell at the beginning, followed by an explosion of that desert rock style that we love and expect from Homme. Check out the track in the player below and make sure you pick up the single when it drops as a download and 12" vinyl on June 14.

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[Listen x Download] Them Crooked Vultures - "You Can't Possibly Begin To Imagine" Live in Tokyo

There's no second Them Crooked Vultures album in sight, as all the members have returned to their respective day jobs with new QOTSA and Foo's albums in the pipe line. It doesn't mean they haven't stopped giving us treats regularly though! Today you can listen to and download none album track "You Can't Possibly Begin To Imagine" recorded live in Tokyo earlier this year in July. The track is as bluesy and ballsy as you'd  expect from these guys. It was on of the tracks that didn't appear on the album but was copyrighted by the band along with a few others that didn't make the first full length effort. Listen to it and download it below courtesy of the band themselves. Happy hump day guys.

You Can't Possibly Begin To Imagine how small the tape recorder must've been by crookedvultures

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[Watch & Download] Them Crooked Vultures - "Mind Eraser, No Chaser (Live From Sydney)"

(video courtesy of Shockhound)

Haven't gotten enough of Them Crooked Vultures yet? We've got you covered. Above is an interview with TCV where talk about how their new band started, and reveal the role that Medieval Times played in its formation. Yes, Medieval Times. It's quite hysterical. A must watch. 

Also on Shockhound is a FREE download of "Mind Eraser, No Chaser Live From Sydney" so make sure to head on over and pick that up. 

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[Rumor Mill] Nick Oliveri To Return To Queens Of The Stone Age?

At a recent Them Crooked Vultures show, QOTSA's Josh Homme dedicated the song "New Fang" to former bassist Nick Oliveri and "new beginnings", fueling speculation that Oliveri will return to the band for the upcoming summer tour. As awesome as this news sounds, no official word has been announced about the return, just yet. But if the recent picture (above) says anything, this is good news for QOTSA fans everywhere. Now if Homme can bring back Desert Sessions all in the world would be perfect. Shouts to Shey's Place for the heads up!

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Reviews Reviews

[Download] Them Crooked Vultures "HWY 1 (Live From Sydney)"

Record Store Day has come and gone and we are still sifting through our goodies. So we know that not everyone got their hands on specific releases BUT never fear, we still got your back. This one is right off the Record Day Store release of Them Crooked Vultures 7" single Mind Eraser, No Chaser. Check out this unreleased jam titled "HWY 1" and while you're at it enjoy some FRESH POTS!

Them Crooked Vultures - HW1 (Live From Sydney)

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Dave Grohl Has An Addiction.... To FRESH POTS!

Happy Saturday everybody!! This hasn't stopped making me laugh since yesterday so I had to share. 

Whilst in the studio recording the self-titled album for Them Crooked Vultures, Dave Grohl apparently had quite the caffeine addiction. 

Better it be caffeine than heroin, I always say! 

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