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[Night Out] OMG CMJ 2015 Day Four & Five: Controller, Slum Sociable, Good Morning, Methyl Ethel, Step-Panther, Pierce Brothers, Kingswood, Sui Zhen, Client Liaison, & SAFIA @ Pianos & The Delancey
Controller @ Pianos
The last 48 hours of CMJ were a total blur. My big brother came to town early before a cruise he was going on and since family comes first my venue hopping came to a screeching halt. Bro was a champ and helped me pick out the featured images in Day Three's post and got an exclusive first listen to the interviews I did with Good Morning, Jake Isaac, Jesse Ruben, BLXPLTN, and Magic Sword. I did manage to drag him out to Pianos go see my good friends Controller. He also got to finally meet Sprout! It was nice to have my two favorite people in the world in one room. We decided to cut the night short after Controller finished so I could rest up to go all out of the last day of the fest.
After spending the afternoon on Saturday with my brother I scurried over to The Delancey or as I will be referring to the day as "Aussie Heaven" (but really it was the Aussie BBQ). I soon realized as I was confirming which stages Slum Sociable and Good Morning were playing that I haven't been exaggerating all week when I've told people that Australia dominated this CMJ in a huge way.
I'd soon get some intel from Alex Laska, Kingswood's guitarist, about why it felt like I had been hit by a semi truck of awesome Australian music all at once. It never occurred to me that in Australia because it's such a huge country that's mostly populated along its coastlines that being a committed band is a hell of a lot more effort than anything anyone in the US could ever imagine. He explained that driving from one major city to the next could sometimes take at least up to 26 hours. We are spoiled rotten, my fellow Americans! That all said, Laska went on to say that because this is the case that the bands who want to tour are the ones who put in the time to make it worth their while so they're all very talented individuals. They're also very supportive of each other because they usually end up eventually all touring together. He really wasn't kidding when he said, "Every single band that's here deserves to be here." It was really great chat overall, I can't wait to air it next week on #skoaradio.
Kingswood getting their face-melty on @ The Delancey.
Post-my interview with Laska I saw the entire day completely differently. He was totally right, you could tell by the way the bands all interacted with each other that the community there was incredibly close knit. It was actually really refreshing to see bands watching each other perform. I know that's not a rarity here per say, but it felt more genuine and less obligatory. I'm sure that has to do with the abundance of bands that are at one's disposal here so the air is more competitive vs communal. That's really a bummer when you think about it. It'd be nice to find a way to swing that there. I guess maybe that has to happen state by state?
Anyway, the only bummer on Saturday night was when I had to call it a night and head home. After finally having a moment to befriend the Slum Sociable guys I tagged along with them going from stage to stage to see all their friends play. I finally got to see Methyl Ethel after Good Morning told me during our interview that I *had* to see them! I caught a total of 9 bands whilst in Aussie Heaven and I loved every single second of it. Glad to have caught Good Morning and Slum Sociable multiple times. Can't wait to get to know Step-Panther, Pierce Brothers, Sui Zhen, Client Liaison, and SAFIA better. Side note: Client Liaison is crazy in the best possible way. Really glad the Slum fam made me stick around for them. Kingswood was face melty. I'm really excited that I'm getting pulled back to gritty guitars to compliment all the synth-driven pop/rock I've been into lately.
I honestly can't think of a better way to end a CMJ than how I did. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to sleep for 72 hours and see how long until the caffeine withdrawal headaches go away.
Have a look at the photos from Day Four & Five in the gallery below. You can also have a taste of Aussie Heaven for yourself courtesy of this handy dandy Spotify playlist I put together.
[NIGHT OUT] OMG CMJ 2015: Kibbe's Picks For This Week
It's that time of year again! You know, the one where I bounce back and forth between lower Manhattan and Brooklyn to see how many new bands I can fall in love with. I HAVE SO MANY NEW BAND CRUSHES YOU GUYS AND I HAVEN'T EVEN STEPPED FOOT INSIDE A VENUE YET!! *PRAISE HANDS EMOJI*
If you're out and about in NYC for CMJ, you can catch me attempting to attend all of the following events. If you can't be in NYC but want to follow along, you can add me over on Snapchat: heylookitskibbe (original amirite?).
If you see my smiling/exhausted face grab me and say hi!
- Valise @ Rockwood Music Hall - 3pm
- Holiday Mountain @ Pianos - 5:10pm
- Good Morning @ Cake Shop - 7pm
- Garden of Elks @ The Living Room - 8:45pm
- Jake Sherman @ Pete's Candy Store - 9pm
- Jake Isaac @ The Living Room - 9:30pm
- WALTZ @ Cameo Gallery - 9:50pm
- SYKES @ The Living Room - 10:25
- Jesse Ruben @ Rockwood Music Hall Stage 3 - 11pm
- Car Seat Headrest @ Pianos - 2pm
- Luna Aura @ Rockwood Music Hall Stage 2 - 2:15pm
- Pinact @ Pianos - 2:30pm
- BLXPLTN @ Arlene's Grocery - 2:45pm
- Expert Alterations @ Pianos - 4:30pm
- Weaves (!!!!!!!) @ Pianos - 5:15pm
- Beverly @ Pianos - 6pm
- Hooton Tennis Club @ Santos Party House - 8:15pm
- Slum Sociable @ Cake Shop - 10pm
- Pompeya @ Pianos (Upstairs) - 10:45pm
- Cardiknox @ The Studio At Webster Hall - 11:15pm
- Lara Snow @ Fat Baby - 11:45pm
- Magic Sword @ Cameo Gallery - 12am
- Womps @ Cake Shop (NYC Taper Showcase) - 1:45pm
- Vomitface @ Cake Shop (NYC Taper Showcase) - 2:20pm
- Dirty Dishes @ Cake Shop (NYC Taper Showcase) - 2:55pm
- Walking Shapes @ Elvis Guesthouse - 4:15pm
- Dirty Ghosts @ Cake Shop (NYC Taper Showcase) - 5:30pm
- Cardiknox @ Ganesvoort Hotel (Meatpacking) - 6pm
- Soft Sirens @ The Flat - 7:15pm
- Kevin Garrett @ Rockwood Music Hall - 9pm
- Saint Pé @ Matchless - 10:45pm
- Skaters @ The Living Room - 12am
**my brother is going to be in town Friday & Saturday so unless he wants to come out to stuff I'll only be out after dark :/ **
- Controller @ Pianos - 8pm
- Dirty Ghosts @ Baby's All Right - 9pm
- Lara Snow @ Leftfield - 11:30pm
- KINGSWOOD@ Fat Baby - 12:30am
- Slum Sociable @ The Delancey - 5:30pm
- Frankmusik @ Rockwood Music Hall - 9pm
- KINGSWOOD @ The Delancey - 10pm
Please enjoy a sampling of the bands I'm going to go check out via the playlist below!
[Album Stream] Controller - 'Controller' EP
Controller is a stupid-good band out of Brooklyn, NYC. They just put out their very first EP and they're rocking a sweet show at The Studio at Webster Hall this weekend.
Full disclosure, you guys. Our friend Josh Shabtai is in this band. We've been friends for somewhere in the vicinity of 3 years now. For the last 8 months or so, he's been saying things like "Yo man! You should come to our show next week!" and "Yeah, we're working really hard recording some new stuff right now.". My only reaction was ever "Hah, cool man!". In all honesty, I didn't expect them to be any good. Not because Josh isn't a cool cat (he is), but because everyone has a band these days and I just didn't have any good gauge for his musical prowess. I dismissed him as just another bud with a band. Boy, was I wrong.
When the EP came out a few weeks ago, I almost peed myself. Controller possesses a truly unique sound. If you take The Gaslight Anthem, dip them in some pop-rock, and add a melodic vocal twang akin to U2, you kinda sorta get Controller's sound. This doesn't really do them justice, though. Their lyrics are easy to pick up and it's not hard to forget you're listening to the same 3 tracks on repeat. If you like honest rock 'n roll, you owe it to yourself to listen to the 3 track EP. It's free to stream and listen to, but if you like it, you should through a couple of bucks their way, as you should with any band you like. You can also find them on Facebook if you should be so inclined. Really looking forward to the show and hearing more from these fellas. Check 'em out and let us know what you think in the comments.