[Watch] Alex Turner Plays Two New Arctic Monkeys Tracks Unplugged

With the new Arctic Monkeys album just weeks away we've had a fair few previews of what's to come on the album already. Whether it be from official videos, or performances on numerous TV shows. Not to mention that surprise Big Weekend set a few weekends back. Today we have another Arctic Monkeys flavoured treat for you to digest. Frontman Alex Turner played an unplugged few tracks for radio station, 102.1 The Edge

First up for you to sit back and enjoy is the album's title track, "Suck It And See", and then after the jump you can watch the fantastically named, "Love Is A Laserquest". Both these two tracks feel mellow and slower compared to the Arctic Monkeys of yesteryear but from the previews we've had it's what we've come to expect.

Suck It And See will hit stores on June the 6th, and it is a great listen. With the dark guitar tones and echoes we got to know on Humbug, paired up with bursts of frantic drumming and bass lines familiar to the workings on Favourite Worst Nightmare, I think fans will be pleased. These unplugged renditions should tide you over for another week though. Hat tip to Twenty Four Bit for the heads up on this.


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