[Listen] Jimmy Eat World - 'Damage' (EP)

Being in your mid-twenties, and 'discovering' music in you mid-teens most likely meant you'd of had a few staples in your Windows Media Player back then. (Yeah, I had Media Player for quite a while before converting to iTunes when I got my first brick of an iPod) One of the staples for my friendship group was Jimmy Eat World. You may remember them too if you were of a certain musical persuasion back in the early oughties. I wasn't fully aware they were still going, (I last posted about them in 2011) but they have a new album on the way, Damage, their seventh studio record, and it was produced by the extremely talented Alain Johannes. It's set for release on the 11th of  June. Last weekend for RSD they released the Damage EP on which the title track of the aforementioned album was released along with a Radiohead cover. Check them both out below via Antiquiet.


[Watch] Tribes - "Dancehall" (Official Video)


[Watch] SPLASHH - "All I Wanna Do" (Official Video)