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[SKOA Mixtape] "Love to Love U" - Sexy Songs for Valentine's Day Mix from SproutDr

With Valentine's Day approaching the sexy beasts here at SKoA want to spread some love to our fellow freaks in the sheets.

We are creatures. Sensual, enigmatic, primal creatures who are happily motivated and aroused by textures, sound patterns, and colors. "Sexy times" with oneself, a partner, or perhaps even an orgy (oh behave! ....or don't) may summon your inner mixtape making master to create the ultimate come-hither soundtrack. Here's an inviting peek into some salacious tracks that may stir your wanton soul.

So don't make me beg (or do if that's your thing) you to listen to my list of eargasms. Go ahead get turned on and be my Valentine.

XoXo Sproutdr XoXo

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[SKOA Presents] We Found Sasquatch! Mixtape

The drive to Sasquatch! is a lengthy trip for most of the attendees, and what better time to get familiar with the bands you'll be seeing at the festival? That's where we come in. We've plucked 36 artists from the festival lineup and chosen a song by each, resulting in two-and-a-half hours of fantastic music. This is SKOA's essential Sasquatch! mix. This is the We Found Sasquatch! Mixtape.

The mixtape features plenty of amazing talent, including Vampire Weekend, Disclosure, Tame Impala, Alt-J, Surfer Blood, Dirty Projectors, Father John Misty, Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros, Bloc Party, Empire of the Sun, Toro Y Moi, Holy Ghost!, The xx, El-P, P.O.S, CHVRCHES and more. For your convenience, the mixtape is available to stream below via 8tracks, or you can download all 36 songs in one, two, three parts. Check it out and hopfully it makes the journey to Sasquatch! a little bit easier. The full tracklisting is after the jump.

SKOA presents We Found Sasquatch! Mixtape from skoablog on 8tracks Radio.

The drive to Sasquatch! is a lengthy trip for most of the attendees, and what better time to get familiar with the bands you'll be seeing at the festival? That's where we come in. We've plucked 36 artists from the festival lineup and chosen a song by each, resulting in two-and-a-half hours of fantastic music. This is SKOA's essential Sasquatch! mix. This is the We Found Sasquatch! Mixtape.

The mixtape features plenty of amazing talent, including Vampire Weekend, Disclosure, Tame Impala, Alt-J, Surfer Blood, Dirty Projectors, Father John Misty, Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros, Bloc Party, Empire of the Sun, Toro Y Moi, Holy Ghost!, The xx, El-P, P.O.S, CHVRCHES and more. For your convenience, the mixtape is available to stream below via 8tracks, or you can download all 36 songs in one, two, three parts. Check it out and hopfully it makes the journey to Sasquatch! a little bit easier. The full tracklisting is after the jump.

SKOA presents We Found Sasquatch! Mixtape from skoablog on 8tracks Radio.


We Found Sasquatch! Mixtape Tracklist:

  1. CHVRCHES – β€œRecover”
  2. Odesza – β€œHow Did I Get Here”
  3. Baths – β€œAminals”
  4. DIIV – β€œPast Lives”
  5. Surfer Blood – β€œTake It Easy”
  6. John Talabot – β€œWhen The Past Was Present”
  7. Toro Y Moi – β€œRose Quartz”
  8. Holy Ghost! – β€œDumb Disco Ideas"
  9. Youth Lagoon – β€œDropla”
  10. Azari & III – β€œInto The Night”
  11. Kid Cudi – β€œPursuit of Happiness” (Steve Aoki Remix)
  12. The Postal Service – β€œClark Gable”
  13. Vampire Weekend – β€œHannah Hunt”
  14. Sigur RΓ³s – β€œVarúð”
  15. The xx – β€œSwept Away”
  16. Arctic Monkeys – β€œR U Mine?”
  17. Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros – β€œMan On Fire”
  18. Empire of the Sun – β€œAlive”
  19. Bloc Party – β€œOctopus”
  20. Andrew Bird – β€œEyeoneye”
  21. Grimes – β€œOblivion”
  22. Alt-J – β€œMatilda”
  23. Disclosure – β€œYou & Me” feat. Eliza Doolittle
  24. Tame Impala – β€œFeels Like We Only Go Backwards"
  25. Father John Misty – β€œNancy From Now On”
  26. Danny Brown – β€œGrown Up”
  27. Earl Sweatshirt – β€œChum”
  28. P.O.S – β€œWanted/Wasted” feat. Astronautalis
  29. Death Grips – β€œI’ve Seen Footage”
  30. El-P – β€œThe Full Retard”
  31. Twin Shadow – β€œFive Seconds”
  32. Dirty Projectors – β€œDance For You”
  33. Japandroids – β€œThe House That Heaven Built"
  34. Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs – β€œGarden”
  35. The Presets – β€œFall”
  36. Porcelain Raft – β€œUnless You Speak From Your Heart”
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[SKOA Presents] Some Kind of Mixtape: September 2012

Some Kind of Mixtape - September from skoablog on 8tracks Radio.

It's the most wonderful time of the yearrrrrrr.... well, for releases anyways. Now that fall is officially hear, everyone and their next door neighbor are releasing something (or are about to) and we are more than ready to embrace them all with open ears. Don't be surprised if we end up doing multiple mixes a month for awhile to make sure that none of the good stuff makes it to the cutting room floor in the SKOA HQ. Please enjoy Some Kind of Mixtape: September 2012  courtesy of the 8tracks player above. Make sure you head over to 8tracks and check out our other mixtapes, to. Oh, and as always, make sure you have a look below to learn more about the tracks selected for this mix.


kibbe, rocko, shey & adrian

Some Kind of Mixtape - September from skoablog on 8tracks Radio.

It's the most wonderful time of the yearrrrrrr.... well, for releases anyways. Now that fall is officially hear, everyone and their next door neighbor are releasing something (or are about to) and we are more than ready to embrace them all with open ears. Don't be surprised if we end up doing multiple mixes a month for awhile to make sure that none of the good stuff makes it to the cutting room floor in the SKOA HQ. Please enjoy Some Kind of Mixtape: September 2012  courtesy of the 8tracks player above. Make sure you head over to 8tracks and check out our other mixtapes, to. Oh, and as always, make sure you have a look below to learn more about the tracks selected for this mix.


kibbe, rocko, shey & adrian


Tame Impala - "Elephant"

When they released their debut in 2010 I was kind of indifferent towards them. Not because I didn't like what I heard but I don't think I let myself listen to Tame Impala all that much around my normal listening patterns. With album two this will not be happening. Lead single from Lonerism is a psych-rock chug of a track called "Elephant" and yeah, it's been floating around the net since back in July but it's a bloody great track that just gets better and better with each listen. The album is just as good and set for release next week on October 9th so why not pick it up. - Shey

P.O.S. - "Fuck Your Stuff"

For the 2nd month in a row, Doomtree rhyme spitter P.O.S. makes it on our SKoA mixtape with his 2nd single "Fuck Your Stuff" from the upcoming album We Don't Even Live Here dropping later this month. The Lazerbeak production on the track has a nice mainstream rap feeling but P.O.S. keeps the track true to his roots with his anti-material rhymes and punk demeanor making this one to bump loudly in your whip while flying your rebellion flag high. - Rocko

Lucius - "Turn It Around"

I simply cannot stop championing NYC band Lucius. I am so proud of how far they come, especially with tracks like "Turn It Around" off their most recent self-titled EP. The song stomps through your ear drums as singers Holly Laessig and Jess Wolfe boldy belt and blend their beautiful vocals and walk you through the trails of a girl  who is unable to let go of a failed relationship. The sheer power in this song as well as the rest of the EP is why I can't stop coming back to it. - Kibbe

Ricky Eat Acid - "(stay)"

Sam Ray's ambient soundscapes are always a pleasure to indulge in, and "(stay)" is in no way different. Using a somewhat out-of-left-field Ashanti sample, the producer builds around it with a pounding haziness and echoing synthesizers. It's easy to get lost in the dreamy sounds that Ricky Eat Acid offers here. Who knew Ashanti was still a viable presence in music? - Adrian

Deftones - "Leathers"

We've been waiting for Deftones new album for what seems like forever. I'm exaggerating of course but their last studio release was Diamond Eyes and with that they raised the already high bar they'd set themselves. That album was devine to listen to from front to back and their new tease of LP number seven, Koi No Yokan, seems to have picked up just where that one left off. Titled "Leathers" it's a rather chilled out introduction before your head is knocked off your shoulders with Chino's screech of a vocal. It's the kind of track your parents might tell you to turn down if you're living at home with it on yet all you want to do is turn it up louder. The new album is set for release on November 12th via Reprise and we are oh so excited. - Shey

Breakbot - "Break of Dawn"

It's hard for me to talk about Breakbot without comparing his music to my favorite Daft Punk album, Discovery. With the release of his debut LP, By Your Side, Breakbot brings back the funk with his signature electronic disco style which will keep you grooving all night long and again reminds me of all my favorite parts of Daft Punk's sophomore album. Don't believe me? Take a listen for yourself with the opening track "Break of Dawn". By Your Side is out in Europe and we hope to see a stateside release very soon. - Rocko

Blackbird Blackbird - "All"

My addiction to Blackbird Blackbird has everything to do with how effortless every lushly layered track that they release seems to be. "All" is no exception to this. Since we first met the electronic outfit it's quite apparent that they have most certainly continued to step up their game. This time around they pair dark hazy vocals with bright chiming synths and gentle murmurring guitars. Definitely worth grabbing for yourself. - Kibbe

Patchwork - "Cigarettes"

If there is anything Patchwork absolutely nails with every release, it's mood. The guy knows how to evoke a certain atmosphere and emotion in his songs, such that it translates seamlessly to the listener. "Cigarettes" is the type of song perfectly fitting for those nights where you find yourself in the city late at night, being swept up in all kinds of crazy experiences and meeting new people left and right. It has a certain mystery to it, a sense of ambiguity and curiosity that urges you to continue listening, despite the uncertainty. It is charming yet skeptical, a song that is somehow as addicting as its title implies. - Adrian

Danny! - "Evil"

It's been a long time coming for Danny Swain who has been trying to out his latest record Payback for the last few year. After running the gauntlet and overcoming the label circus, Danny! has found a home with buddy ?uestlove of The Roots and his newly revamped OkayPlayer label. After being signed to the label, Danny dropped the first official single from Payback titled "Evil" featuring Gavin Castleton and Amber Rose Tamblyn which I haven't been able to stop playing since its release and witnessing Danny's domination of Jimmy Fallon performing the track alongside The Legendary Roots Crew. Payback is out now. Go pick it up. - Rocko

Muse - "Panic Station"

Haters gonna hate. I've been an avid Muse fan for quite some time and with each release they get more and more wacky and crazy. Their new album The 2nd Law is no exception and with it being released this week the world over people are struggling to find a set theme for the album. It jumps from genre to genre like a fly on crap but if you throw enough of said crap at a wall it's bound to stick eventually, right? Some indeed does and an early favourite of mine is track three; a funk filled, slap base heavy eccentric piece just showcases how well Muse can be Muse when they want to be. Yeah they're going to be everywhere for the next 12 months or so but so be it, when they can go from playing heavy RATM riffs to something like this and then a dance-filled Dad rock number all in the space of 10 minutes it's going to get weird. - Shey

Y LUV - "Driftin"

Following their EP How Chill Can You Let Go comes a new track, "Driftin" from LA rockers Y LUV. This time around the four-piece show a new depth that they hadn't explored in tracks like, "All Night" as the song slowly gets ahold of your heart strings and refuses to let you go until the very end. It's easily just as beautiful as it is heartbreaking. "Driftin" is off their new EP, It Doesn't Have To Make Sense, which was released yesterday. You can stream it over on Soundcloud.

Teen Daze - "Garden 2" (from his upcoming LP The Inner Mansions)

I've listened to this song over and over since Vancouver producer Teen Daze dropped it two weeks ago, and every single time I come to the same conclusion: the song is absolutely stunning. In a way that quickly recalls the tranquility that Sigur RΓ³s so often exemplifies, "Garden 2" is a beautiful and dazzling arrangement. It is a sensory overload, yes, but one that you want to submerge yourself in and listen again and again. I tweeted this to Teen Daze yesterday, and it sums up this song nicely: ""Garden 2" is an amazingly tranquil song. I just wanna lay in a field and smoke with a pair of headphones on." 'Nuff said. - Adrian

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[SKOA Presents] Some Kind of Mixtape: July 2012

The heat is ON! Many parts of the US are reaching record breaking temperatures resulting in all sorts of things melting that shouldn't (and obvs many that should). From the sounds of Some Kind of Mixtape: July we were all on the same page and provided you all with some tracks that are perfect for laying around to while beads of sweat collect on your forehead. So sit back, relax, and press play on this month's mix. As always, you can learn more about each track below. Make sure you add us on 8tracks and if you have mixtaps you think we should check out, hit us up on Twitter or Facebook and let us know!

Stay cool (literally)!

kibbe, rocko, shey & adrian

Some Kind Of Mixtape - July from skoablog on 8tracks.

The heat is ON! Many parts of the US are reaching record breaking temperatures resulting in all sorts of things melting that shouldn't (and obvs many that should). From the sounds of Some Kind of Mixtape: July we were all on the same page and provided you all with some tracks that are perfect for laying around to while beads of sweat collect on your forehead. So sit back, relax, and press play on this month's mix. As always, you can learn more about each track below. Make sure you add us on 8tracks and if you have mixtaps you think we should check out, hit us up on Twitter or Facebook and let us know!

Stay cool (literally)!

kibbe, rocko, shey & adrian

Some Kind Of Mixtape - July from skoablog on 8tracks.

Divine Fits - "Would That Not Be Nice"
Sometimes I feel bad for side projects featuring musicians from multiple different bands because you KNOW that everyone is going to be analyzing every last note to see who has the most influence. Such is the case with indie super(?) group Divine Fits - which consists of Britt Daniel (Spoon), Dan Boeckner (Wolf Parade) and Sam Brown (New Bomb Turks). Admittedly, I fell for "Would That Not Be Nice" for it's obvious Spoon-esque sounds, but I've found the other tracks from the upcoming album titled A Thing Called Divine Fits to tickle my fancy in non-Spoon-loving ways as well. Make sure you pick up the "My Love Is Real" vinyl which dropped this past week and be on the lookout for the full length coming up on August 28th.  - kibbe

Tame Impala - "Apocalypse Dreams"

I've said it multiple times. Tame Impala rules all. These Aussie psych rockers amazed me with their 2010 debut album Innerspeaker. Now the boys are back to do it again with their sophomore effort, Lonerism. The first single "Apocalypse Dreams" continues right where Innerspeaker left off with it's spacey/dreamy landscape of amazing. With their take on the classic psychedelic rock sound, I don't see Tame Impala going away anytime soon.β€”Rocko

Carnivals - "Departners"

The atmospheric style of Sheffield producer Carnivals has had me completely addicted since hearing his debut Mavi Kara EP last year, and his latest cut has heightened my addiction to whole new levels. "Departners", the first offering from the soon-to-be-released Humility EP, sees the artist embracing the sounds and influences of India, medling them beautifully into his ambient, sprawling soundscapes. This is the kind of music you can put on late at night and fully lose yourself in, the type of song that treads the line between dreams and reality.β€”Adrian

Bat for Lashes - "Laura"

Taken from her third album, Haunted Man, Natasha Khan aka Bat for Lashes seems to return to form in her new single "Laura". Cast your mind back to 2009 and I must say I wasn't a great fan of Two Suns and her single "Daniel" (what's with all the first names for song titles?) but with this new single she seems revived. A stripped back sound and the results are stunning and certainly something to be excited about in the coming months. Of the sound she's gone for with the new album she says "I really wanted to strip things back in honour of women like Patti Smith." Can we argue with that? The album is set for release on October 15th but I'm sure we'll see more of it before then.β€”Shey

Dirty Projectors - "Gun Has No Trigger"

Swing Lo Magellan is on the shortlist for my top albums of the year, and rightly so. Each song the Dirty Projectors delivered on their sixth full-length is perfection, but "Gun Has No Trigger" stood out above the rest. As a whole, the song evokes a strange mood, entering a near-Radiohead level of weird, and it's so damn addicting. The atmospheric instrumentation is fantastic, but it is Dave Longstreth's vocals that stand out. The way he bends his voice, contorting it in amazing ways and hitting the oddest of notes, is what makes this song. It's just so good. I. Can't. Stop. Listening.β€”Adrian

Two Door Cinema Club - "Sleep Alone"

As Olympic fever sweeps not just the nation but the entire world, it's easy to forget that Two Door Cinema Club have to-date only released one album yet last Friday during the opening ceremony of London 2012, lead Alex Trimble performed alongside rocks biggest names. Pretty big for a band that have not long had their training wheels off. Lead single from their forthcoming sophomore album, Beacon, sees the band doing what they do best. "Sleep Alone" features soaring melodies intricately woven around exquisitely placed guitar hooks resulting in a single you want to play again and again. The single drops on September 3rd, the same day as the album.β€”Shey

Black Moth Super Rainbow - "Windshield Smasher"
For me, what's always been so nice about Black Moth Super Rainbow has been the music's ability to seemingly float around in my head and get into all of the creative nooks and crannies that I sometime forget exists. "Windshield Smasher" from their upcoming album Cobra Juicy speaks well to that same feeling. For more feel-goodness make sure you take part in their Kickstarter to fund the upcoming album, which is slated for an October 9th release. Even though the kickstarter project is already completely funded, it's hard not to pass up the sweet deals that come with each tier in the funding process. - kibbe

Frank Ocean - "Forrest Gump"

With all the hype surrounding Frank Ocean it's easy to get lost in the sea of Orange he's managed to thrust upon the world. That performance on Jimmy Fallon and the surprise release of his album certainly added fuel to the fire but once you hit play you're left reeling of a man haunted by his own past and one that's wise beyond his years. A stand out from the release for me was "Forrest Gump" being as it's a little different, it's playful in its lyrics and it puts a smile on my face when I hear it. Music that evokes emotion is always going to be a winner.β€”Shey

Flea - "Pedestal of Infamy"

This. This is just amazing. I knew Flea was a great musician but I had no idea he could create something as beautiful as this track from his recently released EP Helen Burns. If the Chili Peppers were to break up and we'd get continuous album's from John Frusciante and Flea, i'd be completely okay with that. If you disagree, just listen to the awesomeness of this track. It's completely mind-blowing.β€”Rocko

Flying Lotus feat. Earl Sweatshirt & Captain Murphy - "Between Friends"

Adult Swim's Singles Program has delivered some definite gems so far, but Flying Lotus' collaborative track with Earl Sweatshirt and Captain Murphy is easily the top contender. FlyLo never ceases to amaze us with his mesmerizing experimental style of instrumentals, and the added spitfire delivery of Earl Sweatshirt blends seamlessly into that. It's the addition of the anonymous emcee Captain Murphy that makes this track so interesting, though, as he comes across as a more intelligent Tyler, The Creator with a smoother lyrical flow. Who is Captain Murphy? Who the fuck cares, because when Flying Lotus' captivating instrumentals, Earl Sweatshirt's smooth flow, and Captain Murphy's intelligent charisma combine, it makes for an amazing listen.β€”Adrian

John Frusciante - "In Your Eyes"

I wish I could just limit this blurb to "It's John Fuckin Frusciante. Nuff Said." He's the reason most people got into the Red Hot Chili Peppers and is one of the greatest guitarists of all time, and now he's back for the first time since his departure from the Chili Peppers with a new solo EP titled Letur-Lefr. Frusciante is a master of melodics from his production down to his harmonic vocals and his masterful licks. Although he's no longer part of RHCP it's great to see him back in the driver seat creating beautiful artistry. /fanboyβ€”Rocko 

Snowden - "The Beat Comes"
It's been six long years since Austin-based band Snowden dropped their debut full length Anti-Anti and I fell for their catchy post-punk sound with songs like "Black Eyes", "Counterfeit Rules", and "Like Bullets". I had seen bits and pieces over the past few years that frontman Jordan Jeffares had left his hometown of Atlanta, GA and spent some time in New York City before settling down in Austin, TX, but I hadn't heard anything about new music in the near future until a few month ago. To my delight this past month I finally got to lay my ears on the first single from the upcoming sophomore album, No One In Control. "The Beat Comes" is a great avenue for Snowden to travel down since last we heard from the band with it's dark but inspiring undertones. It could have been because my first listen was by way of its outstanding video directed by John Merizdale when it premiered on Stereogum last week, but I still love it either way. No One In Control is slated for a fall 2012 release on Kings of Leon's label Serpents and Snakes. - kibbe

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[SKOA Presents] Some Kind of Awesome's Outside Lands Mixtape

In 10 days, San Francisco will play host to the fifth edition of Outside Lands Music and Arts Festival, one of the city's most prominent festivals. With a lineup including acts like Stevie Wonder, Neil Young and Crazy Horse, Metallica, Foo Fighters, Bloc Party, Beck, Justice, Jack White, Sigur RΓ³s, Passion Pit, and Franz Ferdinand, it will surely be a highlight of the 2012 festival circuit.

Leading up to the festival, Some Kind of Awesome will be providing preview coverage of what to expect and who we are excited to see, but to kick things off we are offering up a free mixtape for everyone to enjoy. The 22-track Outside Lands Mixtape is comprised of tracks from many of the artists that we can't wait to see live at the festival, all of which have been carefully chosen and organized for your listening pleasure.

Below, you can stream SKOA's Outside Lands Mixtape in full, and make sure to follow us over on 8tracks. As well, the mixtape is available to download for free in two volumes after the jump, where you can also see the full tracklisting for the mixtape.

SKOA's Outside Lands Mixtape from skoablog on 8tracks.

In 10 days, San Francisco will play host to the fifth edition of Outside Lands Music and Arts Festival, one of the city's most prominent festivals. With a lineup including acts like Stevie Wonder, Neil Young and Crazy Horse, Metallica, Foo Fighters, Bloc Party, Beck, Justice, Jack White, Sigur RΓ³s, Passion Pit, and Franz Ferdinand, it will surely be a highlight of the 2012 festival circuit.

Leading up to the festival, Some Kind of Awesome will be providing preview coverage of what to expect and who we are excited to see, but to kick things off we are offering up a free mixtape for everyone to enjoy. The 22-track Outside Lands Mixtape is comprised of tracks from many of the artists that we can't wait to see live at the festival, all of which have been carefully chosen and organized for your listening pleasure.

Below, you can stream SKOA's Outside Lands Mixtape in full, and make sure to follow us over on 8tracks. As well, the mixtape is available to download for free in two volumes after the jump, where you can also see the full tracklisting for the mixtape.

SKOA's Outside Lands Mixtape from skoablog on 8tracks.

Direct Links:

SKOA's Outside Lands Mixtape: Vol. 1

SKOA's Outside Lands Mixtape: Vol. 2


SKOA's Outside Lands Mixtape: Vol. 1

01. Franz Ferdinand - "Take Me Out
02. Neil Young and Crazy Horse - "Oh Susannah"
03. Alabama Shakes - "I Found You"
04. Jack White - "Missing Pieces"
05. Yellow Ostrich - "Hold On"
06. Tennis - "Petition"
07. Andrew Bird - "Eyeoneye"
08. Electric Guest - "Awake"
09. Beck - "Que Onda Guero"
10. Big Boi feat. Theophilus London - "She Said OK"
11. Stevie Wonder - "Higher Ground"

SKOA's Outside Lands Mixtape: Vol. 2

12. Fitz and The Tantrums - "Moneygrabber"
13. Tanlines - "All of Me"
14. YACHT - "Shangri-La"
15. Washed Out - "New Theory"
16. Sigur RΓ³s - "Ekki MΓΊkk"
17. Explosions in the Sky - "Human Qualities"
18. Tame Impala - "Apocalypse Dreams"
19. Bloc Party - "Octopus"
20. MSTRKRFT - "Back In The USSA"
21. Justice  - "On'n'On"
22. Passion Pit - "Hideaway"

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[SKOA Presents] Some Kind of Mixtape: June 2012

Summer is finally upon us! It seems almost everyone far and wide is caught in a nasty heat wave. Now that the season is in full swing, it's time to grab the coldest of beers, put on some sunscreen, toss on some killer jams and make the most of all of the sunshine. Of all the mixes we've made up to this point, I think all four of us can agree that this is the one we're the most pleased about. It seems the warmer it gets the tracks just get better and better.

Make sure to follow us over on 8tracks if you happen to enjoy the mix below. As always, you can learn more about why we've chosen the tracks that we did after the jump!

<3 <3 <3

kibbe, rocko, shey, & adrian


Some Kind of Mixtape - June from skoablog on 8tracks.

Summer is finally upon us! It seems almost everyone far and wide is caught in a nasty heat wave. Now that the season is in full swing, it's time to grab the coldest of beers, put on some sunscreen, toss on some killer jams and make the most of all of the sunshine. Of all the mixes we've made up to this point, I think all four of us can agree that this is the one we're the most pleased about. It seems the warmer it gets the tracks just get better and better.

Make sure to follow us over on 8tracks if you happen to enjoy the mix below. As always, you can learn more about why we've chosen the tracks that we did after the jump!

<3 <3 <3

kibbe, rocko, shey, & adrian


Some Kind of Mixtape - June from skoablog on 8tracks.

The Fresh & Onlys - "Yes Or No"

Coming from humble beginnings in San Francisco The Fresh and Onlys have released a decent back catalogue of music. We've not had a full length from them since back in 2010 when they dropped Play It Strange but later this year on September 4th they'll return with a new LP titled Long Slow Dance, via their new home at Mexican Summer. This track is the perfect introduction to the band and is the lead single from the forthcoming release. Check out "Yes or No" below and look out for more tracks in the build up to release. β€”Shey

Maximo Park - "Hips and Lips"

Maximo Park take me back to being a kid and blasting music out of my bedroom window in the summer months whilst jumping on my trampoline. You know, as you do. When I heard they'd announced a new album I was anxious, you can't help but not be when a band you like is making new music. What if you hate it? The led single from The National Health, "Hips and Lips" is as infectious as the classics. A statement and a band back on form. Paul's vocal delivery will ring around your head for the rest of the day after you hit play and I bloody love it. β€”Shey

Aesop Rock - "ZZZ Top"

About a week away from his upcoming release Skelethon, Aesop Rock dropped the second single from his forthcoming LP alongside an awesome fucking video (SERIOUSLY GO WATCH IT) for the tune "ZZZ Top". It's been a good 5 years since Aes' last solo outing and this time around he's solely producing without his buddy Blockhead or El-P for the first time. The album also marks Aesop's first solo release away from Definitive Jux (currently on hiatus). But no worries Aesop is good hands with Rhymesayers, who along with Def Jux were the top indie hip hop labels of the new millennium. However, back to the music, "ZZZ Top" is filled with filthy cut drum breaks, razor sharp guitar riffs provided by Dirty Ghosts and that signature wordplay Aesop is known for making this track one of our favorites. β€”Rocko

Cruiser - "Moving To Neptune" (from his Cruiser EP)

After discovering Cruiser through our good friends at Listen Before You Buy, I immediately loved the blissful, summery sounds of the Philadelphia-based solo artist. It's not just the feel good nature of his songs that stood out, though, but rather his fantastic instrumentation. "Moving To Neptune" is the perfect example of Cruiser's multi-layered approach, as he blends layer upon layer of beautifully timed melodic guitar riffs. The result is something so enjoyable to listen to. From the moment I heard it, it became a welcome addition to my summer listening. His debut self-titled EP comes highly recommended, so make sure to head over to his Bandcamp page to check it out. β€”Adrian

Unknown Mortal Orchestra - "I'll Come Back 4 U"

After a very successful debut LP, UMO drop the a taste of their upcoming yet to be titled for this year's Adult Swim Singles Program with the tune "I'll Come Back 4 U". The lo-fi psych rock tune may not be as funky as the group's well known single "How Can You Luv Me" but definitely carries that signature sound and catchiness that UMO is known for. After getting this wonderful taste, we are highly anxious to see what the band has in store for us later this year. β€”Rocko

Slow Magic - "On Yr Side"

Each release Slow Magic puts out impresses me more than the last, and "On Yr Side" is no exception. The song is just so crisp, with each pulse-pounding drum hit and every perfectly-timed synth note coming together in such a memorable way. The tone of the song deserves props, too, as it delivers a tense yet engaging experience, one that you will want to repeat over and over again. I don't know how Slow Magic pulls it off, but in no way am I complaining. β€”Adrian

Harlan - "Dirty Laundry"

Covers are a tricky thing. They can be yawn worthy if the covering artist basically carbon copies the orignial track, but if you transform it a little too much a lot of times the emotion doesn't get refocused and is lost somewhere. Harlan's cover of Don Henley's "Dirty Laundry" is neither of those things. Harlan is respectful of Henley's work but isn't afraid to add his bits of grit, polish and funk along the way. Been following this guy for awhile now, you should, too. β€”kibbe

Alt-J - "Tessellate"

Alt-J (βˆ†) have been gaining a decent following and gaining rave reviews wherever they set foot and with the release of their debut in May the ball is continuing to roll and build pace at a rapid rate. The album, An Awesome Wave, has been playing none stop on my iTunes recently and this track is a great little tease of what the album has. "Tessellate" has a bit of everything. Piano, funky bass lines and a big drum beat. Get familiar with this band. Plus, any band who share my love for triangles are cool by me. β€”Shey

Poolside - "Slow Down"

With the temperature continuing to rise in NYC I have been daydreaming up ways to beat the heat. My mind keeps wandering to the large pool in McCarren Park that just opened up. Since hearing LA duo Poolside's latest track, "Slow Down", every single time that I have the urge to go swimming this song pops in my head. Certainly the rather simple music video for the song didn't help any with having that thought drilled into my brain. Gotta say, pretty bummed that their album, Pacific Standard Time, doesn't drop until next week, I have a feeling this would have been perfect for the inevitable daytime summer grilling on Independence Day. β€”kibbe

Brother Ali - "Stop The Press"

It's been a long 2 years for Brother Ali who has been constantly touring and been working on his upcoming album Mourning In America and Dreaming In Color entirely produced by Jake One. The first single "Stop The Press" documents Ali's journey from the recording of his previous album US to the present and all the heartache and success Ali's been through over the last few years. Even with the constant touring Ali has been putting work all year with releasing various free tracks and an emotional but amazing (and FREE) EP The Bite Marked Heart amping new and old fans up for the release of his new LP. There's note doubt in my mind that Brother Ali is going to have one of the top albums of the year especially after hearing all that he's put out so far which has been nothing but natural quality music. β€”Rocko

Purity Ring - "Fineshrine" (from their forthcoming album Shrines out July 24th via 4AD and Last Gang)

This is the second time Purity Ring has appeared on our mixtape series, and rightly so. The Edmonton duo becomes more impressive with each song leading up to the release of their debut full-length Shrines, and "Fineshrine" is the perfect example of how good that full-length will be. Megan James' vocals are once again a highlight, as they deliver the emotional core of the song, but add to that the amazing production of Corin Roddick to make it a standout track. Roddick masterfully blends heavy-hitting percussion with the duo's distinct gothic synth sounds, seamlessly tinkers with James' vocals, and paces the song incredibly well. "Fineshrine," and everything Purity Ring puts out, is worth your attention. β€”Adrian

Dragonette - "Rocket Ship"

From their upcoming September 25th release Bodyparts, Canada's Dragonette dropped their latest single "Rocket Ship" for the world to hear. I can't explain what it is about singer Martina Sobara's voice that i find so endearing, but I never end up feeling bad after hearing songs from their previous albums or any of the other tracks that she's done guest vocals for. She always sounds so playful but sassy with a dab of sexy in it at the same time, much like the music that accompanies her. I still can't believe they've challenged their fans to create a version of one of the unreleased songs from the forthcoming album just based on the lyrics. If you're up for for it, you have until mid-August to submit something. Until then, I'll just be waiting for the new album β€”kibbe

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[SKOA Presents] Some Kind of Mixtape: May 2012

Sorry we're a little late this month, friends. We've been busy working on some exciting things that we can't wait to be able to share with you in the coming months! This past month the releases really started to shine and you can see/hear it for yourself from the sweet sounds of Some Kind of Mixtape: May 2012, which just you can check out via the player below. As always, there are "liner notes" after the jump with more information on each track. You should also be following us on 8tracks so we can share mixes with each other.

Hugs, high fives and stage dives,

kibbe, shey, adrian & rocko

Some Kind of Mixtape - May 2012 from skoablog on 8tracks.

Sorry we're a little late this month, friends. We've been busy working on some exciting things that we can't wait to be able to share with you in the coming months! This past month the releases really started to shine and you can see/hear it for yourself from the sweet sounds of Some Kind of Mixtape: May 2012, which just you can check out via the player below. As always, there are "liner notes" after the jump with more information on each track. You should also be following us on 8tracks so we can share mixes with each other.

Hugs, high fives and stage dives,

kibbe, shey, adrian & rocko

Some Kind of Mixtape - May 2012 from skoablog on 8tracks.

The Hives - "If I Had A Cent"

Everyone's favorite Swedish garage rock band return with their latest offering Lex Hives the follow up to 2007 album The Black and White Album. Although the previous album was received as more of a commercial release compared to The Hives' first 3 LPs, their newest effort takes brings the group back to excellence. Don't believe me? Take a listen to the track "If I Had A Cent" which is a downright amazing tune which could have been featured on Tyrannosaurus Hives or Veni Vidi Vicious perhaps. Lex Hives is set to release this week, take a listen to the full album stream here and make sure you pick it up and go check out a Hives live show or 3. β€”Rocko

Hounds - "The Wicked Witch"

Frantic dance-punks Hounds just released their new EP The Wicked today which includes the spooked out track "The Wicked Witch." Fans of Does It Offend You Yeah?, The Prodigy, Refused or Nine Inch Nails will find their nasty bass lines, eery synths and anarchic vocals totally irresistable. When you find that you can't get enough of the track, you can grab it over here. Those of you attending this year's Download Festival can catch the Essex four-piece while you're there this Friday (June 8th).  β€”kibbe

The Vaccines - "No Hope" (from their forthcoming sophomore LP The Vaccines Come Of Age)

The Vaccines' debut album What Did You Expect From The Vaccines? was met with some underwhelming reactions from some, but I was a huge supporter and still am. The album was on of my favorites last year and has been constantly spinning since then. When the band announced that their sophomore album would be released in September, I couldn't help but be giddy as a fucking school girl. "No Hope" propelled this giddiness even further. The raucous guitars and drums meld seamlessly with the vocals, making for a catchy song that is simply enjoyable to listen to. It's also fantastic to hear that Justin Young is experimenting with his vocal style, expanding on the limited range he delivered on the band's first album. September 4th can't come soon enough. β€”Adrian

Yeasayer - "Henrietta" (from their forthcoming LP Fragrant World)

From day one, the psychedelic stylings of Yeasayer have had me hooked, and for five years, All Hour Cymbals and Odd Blood have been consistent go-to albums. "Henrietta" is no different. The moment that I heard the song I was in a state of bliss, mesmerized by its many sounds. At first, it is immediately reminiscent of Ratatat's LP3 (which is no way a bad thing), but goes further to evoke the groovy and eccentric sounds of Odd Blood before slowing down and capturing the psychedelic simplicity of All Hour Cymbals. It not only captures what made the first two Yeasayer albums so great, but builds on it in a seamless way that comes across as anything but forced. It just works, and I can't bring myself to press stop. β€”Adrian

Age of Consent - "Heartbreak"

If you haven't guessed yet, I am quite the sucker for the mini-80s ressurection happening right now in the electronic realm. Bands like London duo Age of Consent give me a sense of relief that I didn't completely miss out on experiencing music like this fresh out of the box in clubs, considering I don't think it would have gone over well for a 5 year old me to roll into a nightclub dancing around to Depeche Mode in 1989. For those of you in the same boat as I am, "Heartbreak" is sure to satisfy your hunger for retro-sounding dark synthy tunes. β€”kibbe

Hot Sugar - "The Kid Who Drowned At Summer Camp"

For those that don't know, I like beats. Anything with a banging beat and catchy melody I'm always down to give a good listen to. One of the label's that does it best is Ninja Tune records who specialize in great instrumental music by some of the producers such as Blockhead, Amon Tobin, Mr. Scruff and more. So it only seems right for the label to release Nick Koenig better known as Hot Sugar's second EP Moon Money the follow up to 2011 debut EP Muscle Milk (which if you haven't heard it I highly suggest you do so). The melodies on this record are unreal and extremely addictive it was even hard for me to choose 1 track for it to be on this month's mixture (no kidding I changed the song like 3 times). The sound of Hot Sugar to me sound like if you were to take AIR, Ratatat and Mux Mool smash them all together, break it apart and put it back together but in a randomize pattern thats the awesome sound you'd get. I know that didn't make much sense but just give the track a listen and you'll see what I mean, then go pick up both EPs. β€”Rocko

Bobby Womack - "Stupid"

It's been a helluva a ride for the legendary Bobby Womack over the last 2 years. From having his career take off once again after collaborating with Damon Albarn on the last 2 Gorillaz efforts and touring with the band, linking up with Albarn once again to release his first solo effort in over 10 year and being diagnosed with colon cancer and beating it and becoming cancer free definitely qualify Womack for being the title of his newest LP, The Bravest Man In The Universe. I knew with Albarn and XL label boss Richard Russell (who produced Gil Scott Heron's last album I'm New Here) being at the helm of the production and Womack's soulful croons it was destined to be one of my favorite releases before even hearing song one. And when the first single "Please Forgive My Heart" dropped it just confirmed my expectations. Take a listen to one of my favorites from the new album "Stupid" (which introduction track features Gil Scott Heron) from the upcoming album. Then, do your ears a favor and check out the full album stream here. β€”Rocko

Killer Mike - "Big Beast" Feat. Bun B, T.I., and Trouble

I like to pick tracks that I feel a connection with. Or tracks I've been listening to heavily over the sat month. This month it's safe to say I've listened to Killer Mike's R.A.P. Music a hell of a lot and the album's opening track is a damn fine one. Each morning at 6am I'd roll out of bed feeling a little worse for wear and within a few seconds of the track I'd be pumped for the day. Big beats and skillful wordplay I challenge you to not to shout "pow motherfucker Pow" repeatedly after listening to it. β€”Shey

El-P - "The Full Retard" 

Another album I've been giving a lot of love to links in nicely to Killer Mike. It's El-P's Cancer for Cure, his reinvention if you will. His new single "The Full Retard" is a perfect introduction to an artist who has grown and changed his sound to make one  great sounding powerhouse of music. You can't not want to dance around to the entire album while getting your party on. Big respect to El-P for this track and a brilliant new album after some time away. If you haven't already picked it up, I advise you do. Hell, we like it so much we've put him on our last two mixtapes! β€”Shey

Diplo feat. Lazerdisk Sex Party - "Set It Off" (from his Express Yourself EP, out on June 12th)

With each of his consecutive releases, I notice that Diplo gets better and better as a producer. "Set It Off," which features Lazerdisk Sex Party, is easily one of his best yet. A slow and subtle introduction of the vocal sample "set it off" perfectly builds into the barrage of grimy synths and erratic percussion. What is even better, though, is the fantastic pacing. A well timed lull in the middle of the song leads directly into the cocking of a shotgun, which triggers the complete onslaught of synths, samples and percussion. Whether it's Major Lazer, production work for other artists, or his own music, Diplo continues to impress and show why he is one of the best producers in electronic music. β€”Adrian

D-WHY - "We Don't Know"

Every now and again you get an email in your inbox that makes your ears prick up and the day D-WHY arrived in mine was one of those days. The young artist is looking to have a very promising 2012 and his track "We Don't Know" is the perfect track to stick on the May Mixtape. We're all a little excited for Summer now, c'mon you can't deny it, and why should we! This track is a great soundtrack to the long summer evening and it's certainly a nice little tease of what's to come on his forthcoming mixtape, Don't Flatter Yourself. β€”Shey

Dent May - "Best Friend"

A song so sweet and simple as Dent May's "Best Friend" is just what you want to toss on all of your playlists as the summer (or a current relationship) starts to heat up. The Mississippi-born crooner will charm his way into your heart with his upcoming sophomore album Do Things, which is out on June 12th courtesy of Paw Tracks. β€”kibbe

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[SKOA Presents] Some Kind of Mixtape: February 2012

Another month gone by and another handful of music that your friends at SKOA are offering up for your listening pleasure. The February edition of the Some Kind of Mixtape series features artists from all over the world, some of which might not be known by many of you. Either way, give the mixtape a listen and let us know who you enjoyed, and perhaps who you didn't, and make sure to give us feedback on this relatively new monthly feature. Our mixtape is hosted on 8tracks, a favorite of ours in the world of music sharing communities, so make sure to head over there and show your support. In the "liner notes" you will find written explanations from each of the SKOA writers regarding their choices for the month.

We hope you enjoy Some Kind of Mixtape: February 2012!

Much love,

Kibbe, Shey & Adrian.

Some Kind of Mixtape - February 2012 from skoablog on 8tracks.

Another month gone by and another handful of music that your friends at SKOA are offering up for your listening pleasure. The February edition of the Some Kind of Mixtape series features artists from all over the world, some of which might not be known by many of you. Either way, give the mixtape a listen and let us know who you enjoyed, and perhaps who you didn't, and make sure to give us feedback on this relatively new monthly feature. Our mixtape is hosted on 8tracks, a favorite of ours in the world of music sharing communities, so make sure to head over there and show your support. In the "liner notes" you will find written explanations from each of the SKOA writers regarding their choices for the month.

We hope you enjoy Some Kind of Mixtape: February 2012!

Much love,

Kibbe, Shey & Adrian.

Some Kind of Mixtape - February 2012 from skoablog on 8tracks.

Hawk Eyes - "Skyspinners" (from their upcoming album Ideas)

 So, if you're a regular reader you may of realised I have a personal love for Leeds band Hawk Eyes and with their new album Ideas being released later this month my love has only grown. Their lead single "Skyspinners" is the perfect taste of what's to come on the album. Heart thumping drum lines and guitar riffs renascent of QOTSA in places thrown together with a lighter worthy slow breakdown make for the perfect little tease from the band. Look out for their new LP when it drops on March 26th. - Shey

Death Grips - "Get Got" (from their upcoming album The Money Store)

People loved these guys and their Exmilitary release and now with the announcement that Death Grips have signed to Epic and are to release two records this year I am one of those people falling for them. While they're not the most what you might call, radio friendly type group, the music they make just talks to me. It's brash and abrasive whilst managing to make you wanna turn it up loud to soak it all up. I'm hooked and I hope a few of you will be too. - Shey

Santigold - "Disparate Youth" (from Disparate Youth - Single)

What can I say about a track that just oozes awesome. Well let's see, the comeback track from Santigold sent the internet into a frenzy in a matter of minutes with the synthy intro and reverb filled snare leading into a beat you just simply cannot get a groove onto. Add to this a harsh guitar jab here and there and Santigold's vocal work it all ties into a track that is sure to be one of (hopefully) many this year that will be spun time and time again by not just me, but some of you too. Let's get excited for  her new album Master of My Make-Believe which comes out May 1st on Downtown/Atlantic. - Shey

Montage Populaire - "Reject Reinstall" (from their upcoming Not All Bombs Explode EP)

Southampton experimental pop five-piece Montage Populaire has latched onto my ear drums with their single, "Reject Reinstall" from their forthcoming debut EP Not All Bombs Explode. Hours after you've stopped listening to the song and left your house you will soon find yourself humming the melody and muttering to yourself, "Why can't I just listen to that again RIGHT NOW?!?!" To think that this EP was recorded and mixed over the summer of 2011 in an old meat locker that the band had been using as a rehearsal space just adds to their quirky wonderfulness for me. Not All Bombs Explode is set for release on March 19th courtesy of a joint venture between Popular Recordings, Tri-Tone & PIAS UK. - Kibbe

Computer Magic - "Moving Forward" (from Orion Minimix)

Computer Magic is simply fun and charming, with an upbeat and poppy 8-bit sound driving her music forward. The solo project of Toronto's Danielle Johnson, Computer Magic takes a note from the eccentric and quirky style of band's such as Lemon Jelly, and in every facet her Orion Minimix is just that. Specifically, her track "Moving Forward" is outright fun and enjoyable on so many levels, with 8-bit synths leading the show and odd sounds popping in at every possible opportunity. Add in the fact that Johnson's vocals are executed in such a simple and calm manner, and "Moving Forward" encapsulates everything that makes music entertaining. - Adrian

Bedroom - "You'll See" (from Toys EP)

When I first came across Noah Kittinger's (quite literal) bedroom project Bedroom, I was immediately intrigued, and since premiering his Toys EP last month, it's been amazing to see the blogosphere react to his music. His music perfectly embodies the simplicities and joys of life, the moments where you sit back and relish in the good times, despite the fact that these songs were written in a time of depression. With airy, distant vocals, entrancing acoustic guitar riffs, subtle percussion and an overall attitude of calm serenity, Bedroom's music has an incredibly alluring quality, and his song "You'll See" captures this perfectly. - Adrian

RxGibbs - "Futures" (from Futures EP)

From the EP of the same name, "Futures" is a chilltastic little gem that I've been keeping to myself this month. RxGibbs is a Michigan-based producer that recently signed to the ever-solid Cascine. I've continued to come back to this song all month because of its ability to clear your head almost instantly. The vocals that he's peppered in are so cool and soothing coupled with the laid back synths and beats. Futures dropped just this past week, so make sure you grab it here. - Kibbe

Lucius - "Don't Just Sit There" (from Lucius EP)

It has been a pleasure watching Lucius grow into their own on their new self-titled EP. The Brooklyn duo has gone from cramming friends and a few fans into Rockwood Music Hall to taking the stage at the Bowery Ballroom at such a natural pace that you can tell the amount of care that they have taken to carve out a sound of their own. Having heard "Don't Just Sit There" way back in 2010 as just a sketch of a song, these lovely ladies have transformed it into a full-blown piece of artwork that people of all types can connect with. Head over to their official website and show them some love - Kibbe

PANAMA - "Porcelain (Skinny Love)" (from Good Winter [A Bon Iver Remix Album])

Bon Iver's For Emma, Forever Ago stands as one of my favorite albums, and the song "Skinny Love" as the standout track. When the rather unknown PANAMA released Good Winter, I was immediately excited to hear how they had remixed the aural beauty of Justin Vernon's work, and in no way was I disappointed. The album takes crucial elements of Bon Iver songs and reworks the rest in such a way that it is unique in its own merits, but still retains the recognizable stamp of the original. "Porcelain (Skinny Love)" is where the album shines, though, as it takes the original song's memorable guitar riff and combines it with the distinctive and captivating sounds of a glockenspiel to create a very simple yet powerful take on an already amazing song. - Adrian

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