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[SKOA Mixtape] "Love to Love U" - Sexy Songs for Valentine's Day Mix from SproutDr
With Valentine's Day approaching the sexy beasts here at SKoA want to spread some love to our fellow freaks in the sheets.
We are creatures. Sensual, enigmatic, primal creatures who are happily motivated and aroused by textures, sound patterns, and colors. "Sexy times" with oneself, a partner, or perhaps even an orgy (oh behave! ....or don't) may summon your inner mixtape making master to create the ultimate come-hither soundtrack. Here's an inviting peek into some salacious tracks that may stir your wanton soul.
So don't make me beg (or do if that's your thing) you to listen to my list of eargasms. Go ahead get turned on and be my Valentine.
XoXo Sproutdr XoXo
[Watch] A Perfect Circle's Full Set from LA, 11.09.10
Thanks to our good friends over at Consequence of Sound for pointing this one out, you can now check out an entire A Perfect Circle gig that's been upped to Youtube. It was recorded at the LA show on November 9th at which they played Thirteenth Step in it's entirity. You may have not had chance to grab yourslf some tickets to catch the show in person or indeed sold your house to grab them from the touts, so for now you can celebrate 2011 with the full set up top. It's a New Year so grab a beer and some snacks while kicking back for an hour with this enjoyable set both for new and old fans alike.