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[SONG OF THE DAY] BOOTS - "Full Of Stars"
It’s been exactly 2 years to the day since we had an official release from one of music’s stealthiest producer virtuosos, BOOTS (born Jordan Asher Cruz). Instead of a releasing a full body of music as he did on his birthday in 2018 with #DARKDAZE, today we see the birth of not just one but three different projects from the Brooklyn-based beat master. So technically today you’re getting three songs for today’s SOTD instead of just one.
Strap in - we have a range of feels to cover in just one post!
The focal point of today’s post is definitely “Full Of Stars”, which comes from an album called XENOPOP. As the Emperor of Tweet and Deletes shared via Twitter, XENOPOP will be the final full-length album under the BOOTS moniker. I can’t help but fixate on his choice of words for this portion of the announcement.
“Spoiler: he gets killed off.”
Throughout the song he’s incredibly transparent about the seemingly tumultuous relationship he’s had with the BOOTS persona, so the idea of it not just fading away or, to be more synonymous with the language used here, dying out, is such a striking distinction that eager does not begin to describe how badly I need to hear the rest of this album.
The song itself is such a breathtaking evolution to his artistry, combining his signature production style along with these symphonic swells that leave you feeling like you’re actively wandering through a lucid dream, completely love stoned, and moments away from being in arms of your lover. The kind of dream that waking up from would be frustrating and take at least a full day to completely decipher.
Next up is the track “Language” from an album called NIGHTDEATH, which Jordan describes as “the dreaded existential club LP”. The track features Raye and Deradoorian and clocks in at just a few seconds shy of seven minutes, all of which are packed with so much intensity that movement isn’t an option, it is simply the appropriate response for what the song commands your body to do.
Last but certainly not least is an ethereal ambient cut titled, “Primordial”, which is a track from “a meditation” that Jordan is calling DAYLIFE. It’s lush and full of an almost mystical kind of magic. It’s one of those tracks that sucks any lingering darkness everywhere it goes. Given the range of songs that he’s shared with us today, specifically in the order that he chose to call them out, I can only assume that whatever he was working through when he was finishing up XENOPOP has left him in a much lighter and brighter state of being, and as a longtime champion of his artistic endeavors I cannot be happier for him.
So the only thing this update is lacing is TIMING. No idea if these projects are going to continue to roll out as simultaneously as the announcement was, if this will be a year-long endeavor, or if there’s a way to release three separate projects that I haven’t considered yet. Obviously as updates are made available I will be relaying them accordingly. Regardless, I am more than excited for what’s next.
The Future Is Looking Bright: A New Fischerspooner Album Appears To Be Coming Very Soon....FINALLY
Fischerspooner gonna Fischerspooner. 📷: Vincent Urbani
I haven't been able to stop thinking about this Instagram Story since I saw it two days ago.
Thank the lorde I recently decided to split my attention between Snapchat and Instagram Stories otherwise I would have missed out on this VERY interesting hint of awesome things to come:
from Casey Spooner's IG story
Do you guys remember almost a year ago TO THE DAY when the heavens briefly parted and sent down a Fischerspooner track in the form of a NICOPANDA video with some really stellar choreography because I sure as hell do!
Definitely haven't played this video an embarrassing number of times since it came out. That would be crazy. 😳
So yeah that video dropped
happened. :(
Well actually that's not true.
If you're just catching up like admittedly I am, a little bit of news started to leak out near the end of last year.
To bring you up to speed, these are the things that we know:
A Fischerspooner album titled SIR is coming.
It supposedly has been done since February 2016.
It is "unabashedly homosexual" #respect
Michael Stipe both co-wrote and produced it.
There is a song on said album that is apparently so good that it made Casey Spooner CRY (!!!)
Things are trending towards a release date existing because contracts have been signed.
Are we on the same page yet? Do you understand why I legit had trouble going to sleep the other night after I saw this? It was already enough of a challenge to prepare myself for having Fischerspooner back, but then you factor in BOOTS and newcomers (to my ears) Crush Club in the mix with them, knowing all the while that Michael Stipe has been carefully keeping watch over this project....
the future is actually starting to look bright, you guys.
Are you excited?
I'm so excited!
(btw you need to read the entire NICOPANDA interview with Casey Spooner. Bless that man)
New #Content Alert: The 'di-SKOA-ver weekly' Playlist
"Play it! Don't you wanna hear what's next?!"
I've noticed that a lot of my friends who use Spotify have developed a new habit. Every Monday morning without fail I watch in my friend feed as they all pour over their Discover Weekly playlists throughout the course of the day. This is all well and good. I'm actually happy to see that my friends in and out of the music business are anxious to find new music to bring them joy.
In terms of what happens post-playlist, though. I'm never really sure. I only really hear about when the magical Spotify-powered algorithm "fails" someone during any given week. I never hear the celebratory "THIS IS MY NEW FAVORITE BAND!! THANKS ALGORITHM!!" or "GOING TO SEE MY NEW FAVORITE BAND TONIGHT THANKS TO A PLAYLIST!"
How does one communicate with a playlist/algorithm exactly?
This is where yours truly comes in to play.
Starting today, I'm launching what I will playfully be referring to as the di-SKOA-ver weekly playlist. (You know me and my love of puns! I couldn't help myself.)
This is how I intend to run such a playlist:
- Just like Spotify, once a week the dedicated playlist below will be updated with a fresh crop of songs.
- Just like Spotify's playlist, some will be old, some will be new.
- I will mostly be sourcing the music on my own, but will occasionally be taking recommendations from Sprout, Shey, and Fam Like You!
- Unlike the Spotify playlist, should you find yourself in love with a song/band, upon adding that music to your own collection YOU'LL HAVE A HUMAN TO TALK TO ABOUT IT.
- Another important thing! All the artists in said playlist I will learn things about before updating the playlist for the week so when we talk it'll actually be a stimulating conversation!
- More importantly, if I notice that a ton of people are interested in the same artist, I'll make it a priority on the site to do more coverage for them in the form of tour updates, interviews, etc.
Obviously you are encouraged to follow this playlist from your Spotify account, but I'll also make sure the playlist is sitting pretty on the homepage for your convenience.
BTW we can be friends on Spotify too if you're into that. I love stalking my friend feed for new music and getting inboxed things to try!
#skoaradio 11/14/2015 liner notes
"Kibbe, aren't you posting these liner notes kind of late?"
I'm late to getting this up. Sorry. Clearly from the amount of posts I've done so far today I'm trying tog get caught up. It's a nice problem to have with 3 fire shows in a week being the root of not being able to get #content out on time.
Anyway, this is going to be the last time I put together a separate playlist for the show. That's right, from now on you'll have to scramble to pull the songs from a playlist that I'm going to be changing on the regular. This is mutually beneficial because it will force me to get these out sooner rather than later so you can snatch up the goodies I share with you.
Hope you're having a great weekend fam!
- Miami Horror - "Cellophane (So Cruel)"
- BOOTS - "C.U.R.E."
- Unknown Mortal Orchestra - "Can't Keep Checking My Phone"
- Maiday - "Wish You'd Met Me First"
- Mr. Hudson - "Dancing Through It"
- Kate Boy - "When I Was Young"
- Bob Moses - "Tearing Me Up"
- Secular Ghost - "Bystander Effect"
- Good Morning - "Cab Deg"
- Skaters - "Mental Case"
- MRENC - "Everything Is So Great"
- LCD Soundsystem - "Never As Tired As When I'm Waking Up"
- Ryan Hemsworth (with Dawn Golden) - "Snow In Newark "
- Superpoze - "Unlive"
- ARRWS - "The Dark (feat. FEM FEL)"
- The Streets - "The Hardest Way To Make An Easy Living"
- Toddla T - "Watch Me Dance"
- Born Gold - "I Want To Guard You From Boredom"
- JR JR - "James Dean"
- Son Little - "The River"
- Darlingside - "Go Back"
- Jake Isaac - "Home"
- Chet Faker and Marcus Marr - "The Trouble With Us"
- Sami Switch - "Self Destruct"
- Tuxedo - "Number One"
- Disclosure - "Molecules"
Read these things and get smarter okay?
- Is Apple positioning Apple Music’s Connect as Vevo/YouTube alternative with new video embed option?
- New York Attorney General asked to investigate Spotify’s unpaid mechanicals
- ASCAP’s Online Database Now Includes Licensable Share Information
Feel free to grab this playlist, obvi.
[Night Out] BOOTS @ Rough Trade (11/13/2015)
Since the day that Rocko slid "I Run Roulette" in front of me a back in February I had been practically drooling all over myself to experience BOOTS in the flesh. I was basically been counting down the days until the album release party at Rough Trade last Friday. The week that Aquaria dropped it was like going down the side of a mountain on a bike, especially when I got an advance of the album and got to taste what would be washing over me Friday night.
Then, for about a minute that day before we made it to Rough Trade, I briefly considered not going. It was about an hour before I got out of work when Twitter lit up with what was happening in Paris, specifically what transpired at The Bataclan. The hesitation mostly stemmed from trying to decide if it was disrespectful to rock out while there were people suffering on the other side of the ocean. It's hard to know how to proceed in situations like these without feeling like you've either moved on too quickly or conversely letting it take up so much of your head space that the people who did the awful things essentially accomplished what they set out to do. With that in mind, I focused my attention on dedicating my night of dancing to the ones who should have had the freedom to do the same in Paris.
And danced we did.
BOOTS brainchild Jordan Asher and I were clearly on the same page. Prior to performing, he had us collectively send love out to Paris with our fists raised in unison before instructing us to raise our middle fingers to the people in the world that thought they could take our community away from us.
Also, just so we're clear, all my preemptive drooling was not done in vain. Seconds after paying our respects, Asher and his accompanying band launched into a powerful set that immediately annihilated any potential jitters about being at a show in a major city that night and reinforced in all of us the power that we realize in ourselves and each other when we go to shows. The ability to exchange glances with a complete stranger and nod knowing that both of your minds are collectively being blown by what is happening a few feet in front of you. The chance to make friends with fellow showgoers before/after a set because you can infer that you've surrounded yourself with fairly like-minded individuals. These are things that I took for granted until that night when I had to stare fear in the face and quote White Stripes lyrics at it ("there's no home for you here") because it is when people gather together in the name of a single cause that change happens.
I sincerely hope none of you have hesitated for a second about stepping foot inside a venue since last Friday. If my schedule were more open right now I'd be defiantly going to 2 shows a night right now. Music is one of the most powerful forces on the planet because it has the power to bring people from a multitude of backgrounds together and get along, even if it's just for an hour.
On a lighter note, Sprout and I have bragging rights because we were able to snag these at the show:
Yep. I got 2/100 and Sprout got 22/100. It must be said that once you listen to this record on vinyl it will be incredibly hard for you to listen to stream/downloads of it the same way again. Wow. For those of you who weren't able to make it to either release shows (he also did one in LA) you will be able to pick up a vinyl copy on December 4th when the full vinyl run will be available. For now, familiarize yourself with the wonders of Aquaria:
#skoaradio 10/24/2015 liner notes
artist rendition of my convo with Alex from Kingswood after I shut the mic off post-interview.lol
Hey fam!
Things refuse to slow down in SKOA HQ, but I'm not complaining! I wrapped up CMJ with a day in Aussie Heaven where we interviewed KINGSWOOD prior to watching them totally kill it. I can't believe how much fun I had. Kinda wish it had never ended tbh. Oh well. Time to prep for Brooklyn Electronic Music Festival, which is coming up super fast. I've got a couple of new tracks on this week's show. As always would love to hear your thoughts so @ me bb if you liked what you heard!
See you next week!
- Battle Tapes - "Valkyrie"
- Debut album Polygon drops on November 20th!
- BOOTS - "Bombs Away"
- New track "C.U.R.E." out now
- Debut full length Aquaria drops November 23th!
- BOOTS is playing Rough Trade for his release show! You've officially missed your chance to get tix :(
- Good Morning - "You"
- Official writeup of my interview with them from last week's CMJ show coming soon!
- Car Seat Headrest - "Times To Die"
- New album Teens of Style drops October 30th!
- Shows coming up in the UK & US.
- Weaves - "Motorcycle"
- Did you know that THE NEW YORK TIMES reviewed one of their CMJ shows!?! AMAZING!!
- Monarchy - "Black Widow"
- Sam Sparro - "Hands Up"
- Sam's new EP Quantum Physical Vol 2 is out now! GO GET IT!
- Kenna - "Sleep When We Die"
- Dude just finished up 35 days of traveling to shoot his "Sleep When We Die" video. The NYC Core got some hugs with him while he was here.
- Go help fund Songs For Flight!
- JR JR - "Gone"
- JR JR available now.
- Slum Sociable - "All Night"
- Go grab TQ now
- You can also see pitchas of these guys from my CMJ coverage. I may or may not have seen them three times :)
- Little May - "Boardwalks"
- Caught these little darlings this week at Mercury Lounge. Show review coming soon!
- Go grab their album For The Company asap okay
- Don Diablo & Matt Nash - "Starlight (Could You Be Mine)"
- Don Diablo moved up like a gazillion slots to NUMBER 30 IN DJ MAG'S TOP 100 DJS LIST OMG YAYYYY!!
- Interpol - "All Fired Up"
- If you don't have their latest record, El Pintor well then shame on you (this track is from Our Love To Admire tho)
- The Dead Weather - "I Feel Love(Every Million Miles)"
- Dodge and Burn is good fam, you needs it.
- KINGSWOOD Interview!
- KINGSWOOD - "Ohio"
- Hope you enjoyed this interview. Don't worry, imma pull out the good bits to write up all official :)
- Mr. Hudson - "Dancing Thru It"
- I'M. SO. HAPPY. HE'S. BACK!!!!!!!!!
- Can't be too mad considering he was off working on the new Duran Duran album, which is great tbh.
- Also the Souncloud page for this says MORE MUSIC COMING. YES YES YES YES YES.
- Magic Sword - "Battlefield"
- Have you read the comic for this btw? Pretty cool stuff.
- Official write up for this interview is coming soon too. :)
- Sami Switch - "Self Destruct"
- This guy's story is so cool. You have to watch this mini docu about his trajectory in the past few years. He's gone from homeless to selling out shows in London. Good for him.
- Wrabel - "I Want You"
- Still tryna figure out why "bae-bel" still hasn't upped this to iTunes/Spotify/Whatever yet. It's on YouTube and Soundcloud at least? And you can haz for $FREE.99
- Anyway you can grab his first EP Sideways to show love. I think that's fair right?
#skoaradio 10/03/2015 liner notes
If you don't like music you can't sit with us.
It's chill af in NYC today. Literally. Like I'm having a hard time getting out of bed because I like my feet not being popsicles. I am writing this whilst I am still in bed. That said, the chill means that all the glorious fall albums are under way and CMJ is quickly approaching. I've also been on a steady streak of shows lately, which I will get up ASAP for you to see and be jealous of me. I'm also working to backdate all the show notes I kept saying I was upping and then rage quit because as you can see below these posts are intense as hell, you guys. OH WELL IT'S WORTH IT BECAUSE I LOVE DOING THIS!
Enjoy this weeks jams and be sure to grab the Spotify playlist below if you want to keep this mix around. As always, I'd love to hear from you so feel free to drop me a tweet and let me know what you thought of this week's show.
- Jacuzzi Boys - "Happy Damage"
- Happy Damage EP out now!
- Playing some shows on the other side of the pond in November.
- Aeroplane (feat. Benjamin Diamond) - "Let's Get Slow"
- New EP Page One Is Love out now!
- Just wrapped some shows in the US. I missed him in NYC. I am sad. :/
- Beck - "Dreams"
- Dude had low key hangs with Sir Paul McCartney this week for a PETA thing. #SQUAD. FRIKKIN. GOALS.
- Big Data (feat. Rivers Cuomo) - "Snowed In"
- Edward Snowden joined Twitter this week (this song was inspired by him). Forgot rule #1 of Twitter: TURN OFF YOUR NOTIFICATION EMAILS. Whoops.
- Touring like freaking crazy still. Will we see you at Webster Hall on November 6th with RAC?
- Late of the Pier - "Heartbeat"
- Sam Dust (the singer for LotP) is in a new project called LA Priest! See below. Yes, I played him twice in my show because IT'S MY SHOW AND I DO AS I PLEASE!
- Dillon Francis - "Coming Over"
- Still on tour with Zedd and the gang.
- Pick up This Mixtape Is Fire to keep you warm on those chilly fall nights.
- JR JR - "Gone"
- JR JR is out now! GRAB IT!
- Touring to support the new record like every good band should.
- Darwin Deez - "Time Machine"
- Pick up Double Down now!
- Touring the UK now, US up next! Wooo!
- Unknown Mortal Orchestra - "Ur Life One Night"
- Oops. Looks like the limited edition pink vinyl I have is sold out. You can haz a blue one tho. Or grab MP3s. Whatever.
- I don't think these guys are ever going home. Still touring. Bless you, fam.
- The Kickdrums - "Things Work Out"
- Breathe Again EP out now.
- Peep his latest project with Duckwrth too called Nowhere. It's goooood.
- Weaves - "Do You See Past"
- Grab their self-titled EP and their latest track "Tick" to get ready for their CMJ shows! (wow I really need to talk to them about organizing their tour dates better)
- Phases - "Betty Blue"
- Big Black Delta - "Its Ok"
- GIVE THIS MAN YOUR MONEY OKAY? But really, pledge your brains out for his next album.
- Just upped a new song from his upcoming album, Tragame Tierra, with Debbie Gibson (YES, THAT DEBBIE GIBSON).
- Passion Pit - "Let Your Love Grow Tall"
- Kindred has been out for awhile, still worth your dollars if you haven't bought it yet.
- On tour now.
- For Lean - "Just A Little Spirit"
- Quiet Day dropped this very week! YAYYYYY BROOKLYN BANDS!! They have some sexy as hell yellow vinyl on their website for this release, so hollllerrr at a band on their website if you wants it.
- Phoenix - "1901"
- Grab their latest Bankrupt! (or Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix so you can have the song I played)
- LA Priest - "Oino"
- Debut album Inji out now.
- I caught this lil cutie at Baby's All Right in BK this week. That writeup is coming soon. I promise.
- Supporting Tame Impala's shows in NYC and PA. Bust. They're all sold out already :(
- Also his website is trippy but fun to play with, so look at that.
- The Drums - "Money"
- Pick up their latest Encyclopedia now!
- Just announced 3 shows at Baby's All Right! ALL RIGHT ALL RIGHT ALL RIGHT!
- The Getup Kids - "Holiday"
- You should probably own this record if you don't already. It's so perfect for the fall.
- Uh, they're playing a 20TH ANNIVERSARY SHOW in Brooklyn? Good Loki I'm old. Oh yeah, they're playing elsewhere too.
- The Streets - "The Hardest Way To Make An Easy Living"
- I miss you Mike Skinner. Please come back to us.
- PS If you haven't checked out The Story Of The Streets it is a great read. It's even cooler if you get the audiobook because Mike Skinner narrates it. I loved it.
- Tame Impala - "Yes I'm Changing"
- Go buy Currents. I absolutely love Currents. You must have Currents. (My colored version is sold out, #sorrynotsorry.)
- On tour now (remember our friends LA Priest are opening for them next week?)
- Francis & The Lights - "In A Limousine"
- Son Little - "Lay Down"
- Pre-order his debut album before it drops on 10/16! GET THE VINYL! GET READY TO SWOON!
- Touring like a madman and I love his mush face for it!
- Mansionair - "Pick Me Up"
- Grab their new EP Pick Me Up now!
- On tour in support of CHVRCHES!
- Show writeup from me ASAP! Saw them twice in a week! #blessed
- Run The Jewels - "Meowrly (BOOTS remix)"
- When you're done squealing in delight you can grab Meow The Jewels for $FREE.99. IT'S ALSO AVAILABLE ON VINYL AND I AM SERIOUSLY DEBATING IT.
- Don Diablo (feat. Maluca) - "My Window"
- Lots of stuff going on with his label, Hexagon
- When is this guy not touring, srsly?
- PS have you read my interview with him yet?
- Also I really hope this rumor/possible legit leak is true.
- Justice - "DVNO"
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