diSKOAver weekly last updated: 5/03/2023
diSKOAver weekly last updated: 5/03/2023 β
[Download] Skream's Warehouse Project 130BPM Set / Skream & Benga's 'Scion A/V' EP
With the Warehouse Project in Manchester celebrating one final time this year at the Store Street venue. Thankfully owner Sacha recently confirmed it will indeed be staying in its city of conception! Rejoice. To the matter at hand though, this years lineup has seen some incredible talent grace the sweaty walls and stage but this weekend just gone, Skream put in a set that you'd not be used to seeing him do. He played an entirely 130BPM set stepping away from the dubstep and laying down something completely different. Being the generous fella he is, you can listen to the entire set below. The tracklisting can be seen after the jump.
Whilst here though, why not grab the new EP from Skream and Benga Scion A/V and have an afternoon full of dancing the day in the office away. It's up at the top whilst the track We wouldn't blame you. Grab two free gifts from two world class DJ's below. It's only the 14 day of December, I thought all the gifts came on the 25th?! Have I been doing it wrong for 22years...